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Thursday, July 08, 2010

Think Before You Vote!

Over time I have received multiple comments on our lost and found animals stating that some believe there are far too many animals getting lost or found here on the Eastern Shore. Those comment brought me to this Post. I want you to think about this for a minute.

I'm sure many of you come here and think, you know, there are a lot of animals that seem to get lost. HOWEVER, how many of them are repeat offenders? How many of them show up here time and time again. NONE!

Now, I can tell you from personal experience that I have seen and heard of the Brewington's losing their own children MORE times than I have ever seen repeat offenders as Pet Owners.

Yet some of you fools will actually consider voting for these two! Things that make you go, hmmmmmmmmm? Welcome to the Next Generation.


  1. I have to admit, you are right. Thats an eye opener.

  2. I know if my parents taped my mouth and nose shut I'd run away too.

  3. The guy on the right is saying.... You two are kidding me, right. You can't even keep an eye on your kids let alone us taxpayers.

  4. How could anyone in their right mind vote for them. I have seen first hand when they lose a child. I have seen Julie's eyes look like a sheet of glass (get it) and drive with her children in the car. The only vote these two are worthy of is WORST PARENT OF THE YEAR AWARD.

  5. Give it a rest asshole. You are simply cyber terrorizing these people. You are really sick. I hope Mike kicks your ass.

  6. Did I strike a nerve there Julie? The truth hurts.

  7. I must admit I am one of the guilty ones who comes here daily and thought a lot of people aren't taking good care of their animals. To think that this couple keeps losing their child more often then pet owners speaks volume.

  8. Mike and Julie should withdraw now. They need parenting class's and maybe AA. They need to get their house in order before they can put OURS in order. Seriously get some F/ing help.

  9. This just posted on Dilwad's Facebook.

    "Julie Dilworth Brewington: We got the Pay Pay Account set up on the campaign site. Go test is out and help us win!"

    WTF is a Pay Pay account? That is her first message? Begging for money on Facebook already!!

  10. Julie added me to Facebook and I was ok with that, but I didn't know she was going to use me to pimp her pathetic campaign.

  11. John Pheobus added me as a friend on Facebook and I am done with him also. He and his website is on JT's blog and almost made me puke. Then after that I saw where he is friends with Louise Smith. Nope, can't deal with hime now. John Pheobus sorry for your luck, you are toast now for affiliating with those two GOONS!!


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