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Friday, July 09, 2010

Rasmussen: 67% Say Illegals Are Major Strain On Budget

As the country wrestles with a future of historic-level deficits, 67 percent of U.S. voters say that illegal immigrants are a significant strain on the U.S. budget.

Just 23 percent disagree and do not believe illegal immigration strains the budget, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

Two-thirds of voters say the availability of government money and services draws illegal immigrants to the United States. Almost 19 percent think otherwise, while 15 percent are not sure.

These findings help to explain why 68 percent say gaining control of the border is more important than legalizing the status of undocumented workers already living in the United States. Just over 25 percent believe that legalizing illegal immigrants is more important.

The majority support for controlling the borders has been consistent through several years of surveying.

Read the rest here>>


  1. All this question shows is that 67% of the people don't know what they are talking about. Illegals are not, inf act, a major strain on the budget. Even if you buy the dubious assertion that they impose a net cost on U.S. taxpayers (and the data are far from clear on this), that cost is a small fraction of the total local, state, and federal government outlays.

    And the 2/3 who think that government money draws illegal immigrants here are also ignorant, since illegal immigrants don't get welfare or Medicaid or any other government handouts.

  2. Marc, better take a look at your pants, they are all wet, Liberal Wet.

  3. Marc, you realize that while they may not directing benefit from our social(ized) programs, when they bring a child into the country, or have one here, they certainly do benefit. I heard a recent estimate in the 100-140 billion dollar per year range of what burden the 12-25 million illegals put on the US taxpayer. I wholeheartedly support immigration, just do it like everyone else, legally.

  4. Marc. If someone put your brain on the edge of a razor blade, it would look like a bee-bee rolling down a 4 lane highway.

  5. No, Joe, I'm probably more conservative than you are. I just know the facts about illegal immigration. Resort to name calling if you want, but it doesn't change the facts of the matter.

    This issue isn't one that has anything to do with public opinion. It's a matter of verifiable facts. The facts about how much our governments spend on illegal immigrants are pretty clear. There are some pretty flawed studies out there that say illegal immigrants cost local, state, and the federal governments billions of dollars every year. These studies, even if they were true, don't show that illegal immigrants have a major impact on these budgets. Even with these extreme figures governments are paying a very, very small fraction of their outlays on illegal immigrants.

  6. To 1:34, even if illegals and their children (who are citizens if they are born here, by the way) do cost $140 billion, that's a very small fraction of the overall spending by state, local, and federal governments. And, of course, the idea that illegal immigrants' net costs approaches anywhere near $140 billion is absurd. Unbiased studies have shown that they impose little overall cost or have a net benefit.

    But even under the worst case scenario put out by flawed anti-immigrant groups, the public perception has no relation to actual facts.

  7. You want the facts, folks. Total government spending (federal, state, and local) is around $6.5 trillion. Let's say, for the sake of argument, that illegals do impose a cost of $140 billion a year. That's about 2% of total government spending. Is that a "major strain" on budgets? Clearly not.

  8. no but it's a strain nonetheless that they wouldn't put on your ass if you were in mexico. with the way things are, one would think the government would stop all "needless" spending. Tell me how illegals help our deficit?

  9. The fact is they are coming over here to work or bring drugs they get a fake id or green card & SS# in mexico work over here for as long as they can and send most of the money back to mexico so the rest of their family can come over. Face it they work harder & cheeper Than most Americans. They have stolen millions of american jobs causing the unemployment rate to rise tell me that doesent effect The buget!! it should be illegal to be illegal in all states not just arazona If we STOP giving them Jobs and arrest them insted they will stop coming over here!

  10. I would rather have the 2% refunded to the tax payer to spend freely on anything they want i.e. booze, cigarettes or strippers etc.

    What happens when the illegals get amnesty and they have to pay income tax social security and state tax will the employers pay the higher legal wage or will they look for more off the book employees?

  11. If the government won't run these freeloaders out then the militias will !

  12. 3:28
    If we give them all amnesty then we will have to give them all welfare. Right now only their anchor babies are able to get benefits. If they get amnesty the entire family will get it. The money that they make here does not stimulate our economy it stimulates Mexico's economy. So while they send what they make here back there.. we are left footing the bill for everything they get here FREE.

  13. Marc, so glad you cleared all of that up for us...gosh and to think that we have been wrong this whole time about ILLEGAL aliens and their drain on society...i guess it doesn't matter to you that they are breaking the law...

  14. Marc,
    You are obviously a tool of the liberals in government or are a complete idiot.

  15. Marc. You are a complete Dumb A##.Get a brain

  16. Considering that I'm the only one who is discussing the actual facts about how much illegals use in government services compared to what governments spend, I find it hard to believe that I'm an "idiot" or a "Dumb A##." I guess actually researching something and getting the facts before giving your opinion make you an idiot in the eyes of some.

    The difference between those calling me names and me isn't that I'm an idiot, it's that I'm informed on the issue and that I make sure I educate myself before I spout off. It would be nice if others did this, too, especially in the debate over illegal immigration.

    And I'm hardly a liberal; I'm far more conservative than most people here.

  17. Anchor babies can and do qualify these illegal families for services for the children born here if I am not mistaken.

  18. Marc, where did you get your facts from? Does it matter to you that they are breaking the law?


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