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Thursday, July 08, 2010

Oil Spill Timeline

Oil Spill Timeline from RightChange on Vimeo.


  1. Wow! maybe we need a cracker in the white house. Does he know the word DELEGATE! Ain't he the boss?
    Should have known , our good ole president is clueless.(I heard he went college)(wonder if that diploma is the same as his birth certificate , false)

  2. The govt and this large corporation are not incompetent. BP is very good at making money. The government is excellent at doing certain things: giving us speeding tickets, collecting income tax, performing census, waging war, etc.

    The Gulf of Mexico is developing EXACTLY as planned.

    Think about that for a while.

  3. Funny how the main stream media stopped covering this story to protect Da Prez ...

  4. I think we need the oil channel.


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