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Friday, July 09, 2010

It's All Bush's Fault...From the Denver Post

Here's an opinion piece by Chuck Green, who writes "Greener Pastures" for the Denver Post/Aurora Sentinel, one of the more liberal papers in the country. Additionally, Mr. Green is a life long Democrat, which makes this a rather stunning piece...


  1. Maybe our next President will be a true executive and not a community organizer.

  2. Next election Obama will have record he can't run from !

  3. The simple fact is, the scenario we find ourselves in today was set up by decisions that were made over the last 20 years. Face it ideaologues on the right and left. You dummies who simply like to rah rah for your party instead of taking an objective look at the facts BEFORE making a decision are the ones that have set us up for this mess we are in today.

  4. Yes....it's the last 20 years fault for Oblamer's faulters n flip flops. I say, start blaming George Washington. And Lincoln. Make sure you throw some blame towards Bradley, Patton, and McArthur as well. Anything but blame the d-bag in the white house.


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