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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Does GOP Truly Want Kagan Stopped?

It continues to be possible for Republicans to pull the plug on the nomination of Elena Kagan to the U.S. Supreme Court, according to the chief of an organization that advocates for families and their interests.

Calling her the "most liberal, unconstitutional nominee we've ever seen," Randy Thomasson of SaveCalifornia.com, says Republican senators have the power, even in the minority, to stop Kagan in committee by objecting to the vote or on the Senate floor by leading a filibuster.

The organization also reported that under Senate rules, specifically Rule IV, there also could be a filibuster in committee.

Further, he said if one minority party member objects, the nomination will not come up for a vote if no Republicans vote to override the objection, and if six of seven Republican senators do not show up for the committee, there's no quorum.

Thomasson said if Republicans are successful in halting Kagan, they will prevent her influence all across American for the next 30 or 40 years.

Her nomination has not only prompted Thomasson to offer constituents a "take action" option on his SaveCalifornia.com site, it also has sparked the assembly of the "Stop Kagan Campaign."


  1. The people don't want her !

  2. She WILL get the job , and NWBD.
    (nothing will be done)

  3. If they don't stop her they are crazy. Just look at what the Dems did to Judge Bork, a very qualified man. The dems don't mind playing hard ball and the republicans had better learn how to do the same if they ever want to get back in power and save this country.

  4. Never going to happen, she is in.

  5. Answer: No. (Because when you have a GOP President and GOP Congress, they will want to have their nominees voted for too.)

  6. She is anti Constitution and never should have been considered .

  7. She's in, forget about it.

    Everyone's too busy playing with their new ipads and iphones to care.


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