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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Dashcam Footage Of Officer Being Shot

GO HERE to view video.


  1. Illegal immigrant deported twice before.
    How about a bullet in his head this time instead of keeping him in jail for life and costing the taxpayer 20k a year as well as being an ongoing risk for escape.

  2. To those who argue that illegals don't cost us,(women's league of voters) watch the video. Glad he lived.

  3. These are the animals our "president" wants to protect. We MUST rid ourselves of this communist muslim and take America back.

  4. and these are the kind of "people" Eric Holder is protecting by taking Arizona to court!

  5. somebody in the Obama administration needs to feel some pain to know the people will not be ignored .

  6. Eric Holder, Obama need to get a real grip on this mess!!!!!!....I hope Arizona and the rest of the states press on and fight the illegal immigrants....I say profile the stops and whatever we have to do to cont. the fight on this war....Any other country u enter illegal U spend jail time..we offer illegals a license, a right to vote, medicare..etc. etc..... Glad this officer is still alive..Great work to all who helped capture these P.O.S.!!!!!

  7. Until our government puts down ways to make it undesireable for the illegals to come here, this problem will not go away and will only get worse.
    Make it where atleast ONE of the parents of their baby has to be a LEGAL citizen.
    Start fining the employers who hire them, heavily and make it to where it's not profitable for them to hire illegals.
    There's two starting points and two BIG reasons they come here...to have their babies be citizens and to have jobs.
    Take those away!!
    You probably can't go after the employers without doing the national ID card, which I'm not a big fan of, but if it stops our illegal immigration problem then so be it.


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