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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

BREAKING NEWS: States Attorney Davis Ruark Has A New Opponent

Ladies & Gentlemen, there's a new prospect filing this morning to run against Davis Ruark. The Republican Central Committee has put up Mat Masiarello, former President of the Bar Association.

This could get quite interesting as this young man has no skeletons, that I know of anyway. You heard it here first Folks. We'll fill you in with more details later today.


  1. Matt has an outstanding reputation and a lot of integrity. Now I have someone to vote for.

  2. Matt Maciarello is the man.

  3. Finally someone I can honestly vote for. Before I was voting for the best of the worst.

  4. And we want a "newbe" trying the case of LEGGS? I am voting for Davis Ruark. He has been on the case from the beginning. A new guy would have to catch up.
    Davis Ruark for States Attorney!

  5. Sweet! great news

  6. 9:43 any of the attorneys in the State Attorney office can convict that assho**. It is a slam dunk case bolstered by DNA evidence, "regular" evidence, and eyewitness evidence. One man does not a career make or break. There are attorneys in that office with OVER 20 years experience so go back and try again.......Leggs will be convicted no matter who is prosecuting the case. Besides, the trial isn't until April, you don't think a competent attorney can get ready for a slam dunk case in six months??????

  7. Matt is much better than Davis. Why does everyone think that only Davis can try the Leggs case? Come on people he sat on his butt while everyone else searched so please don't make him out to be so wonderful. Matt is a very competent, intelligent lawyer who listens and takes action.

  8. Davis is just the lead prosecutor, there is a team of attorneys in that office working on this case. They will be fine with Matt. This is not rocket science. The facts are there, the evidence is there, and catching up will take less then a weak. Heck this case will probably not go to trial when it is scheduled to anyway.

  9. Finally the corruption in the SAO will stop!!! Vote for Matt!!

  10. Thank God----Now I've someone to vote for!!!! So happy this has happened .

  11. Good luck to both men...would like to see both at the top

  12. I feel sorry for Matt. He doesn't have a clue how demanding the position is.

  13. Mike Lewis and WBI detective work already has the Leggs case won. Just like a good tip off and SPD made the case against the slugs who killed Anitra Pirkle.

    A couple of high profile cases that Bozo the Clown could win do not a state's attorney's office make.

  14. Davis has done an honerable job as states attorney. He has been voted in several times.
    Because someone else applies for the job do we just throw Davis out like "dishwater".
    I guess everyone here has made NO mistakes in life? We ALL have so dont go jumping on Davis for the mistake he made. We all learn by our mistakes.
    If we made no mistakes we would not learn anything.
    Lighten up!

  15. A 1st year law student could get Leggs fried......

  16. 2:12 go talk to the employees of the State Attorney's office before you make yourself anymore ignorant and stupid than you have.

  17. I know Matt. First, he has a successful practice, he did not need to do this for kicks. We wanted a candidate and now we have him and I am praying for him.

    Also, he is the kind of attorney who will not sleep until he is 110% prepared. He does not just try to win, he tries to destroy his opponents and he does it without acting like a jerk. He is a terrific trial lawyer and will make the transition.

    I encourage you to ask some of the best attorney's in town about Matt. He has held his own since he left the judge's chambers in Worcester County.

  18. Not acting like a jerk! REALLY?! I see him as very ignorant and unfair so & so. God help him. :-(


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