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Saturday, July 31, 2010

A Black Hole For Babies And Bucks

Planned Parenthood hides facts about abortions and tax dollars

Where's the money? That's the question on everyone's mind after reading the recently released Government Accountability Office (GAO) report. The GAO numbers on money paid out to Planned Parenthood between 2002 and 2008 reveal an unaccounted-for $1.3 billion.

No answers have been forthcoming. In typical Planned Parenthood style, the abortion giant has done nothing to shed light on the question. In fact, it has done just the opposite.

After weeks of investigation by American Life League's Stop Planned Parenthood project, it appears the reason the GAO was not able to account for the expenditure of the great majority of the government money received is that Planned Parenthood will not produce its internal audits for the GAO to analyze.

Because of this, the GAO had to rely on reports filed by Planned Parenthood affiliates under the Single Audit Act, and those reports grossly underreport the amount of government money expended by Planned Parenthood.

The American taxpayers are left with more questions now than before:

* Why didn't Planned Parenthood hand over its internal audits to the GAO as it did in 2001 in the face of a similar inquiry into its spending?

* Why is the organization allowed to disregard the request of 31 U.S. senators and representatives to account for its expenditure of government funds? What is Planned Parenthood hiding?

* Why do we continue to fund Planned Parenthood to the tune of $349 million annually and not hold it accountable for how it spends that money?

* Most important, why is an organization that kills more than 300,000 innocent unborn children each year sanctioned and funded by our government?

Can an organization that operates more than 800 facilities in 50 states and has an annual budget of more than $1 billion really be hiding from public view?

More on this here >>

1 comment:

  1. Instead of unneccesary abortions, the governemt should pay women to get their tubes tied. Nothing wrong with $5,000 to prevent an unwanted pregancy, which results into an abusive parent. We could offer this to men as well, because child support payments force them into poverty.


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