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Friday, July 09, 2010

Ads That Just Don't Work Any More


  1. given the way things are they are almost timely again

  2. That was back when men were men and women were glad of it.

  3. Don't get it. Why won't they work? (the ads, that is. I know why the wives won't.)

  4. The elites who ran those companies and made those ads - have sired children.

    The children of those people are still running those companies.

    Think about it

  5. That was before the Rockefeller organization of pirates decided it was better to double the work force. They created women's lib

  6. ya realize things were simpler back then. morals, respect, and hard-work. everyone knew their role. we need to get back.

  7. These ads are still run in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Qutar, Kuwait, Iraq, etc. Only difference is that the ads say that if the women DON'T cook and clean, they'll be murdered according to the (peaceful and loving) Koran. And the rest of the town will cheer the murder, except the women, who are not allowed out of the house without male permission... I LOVE those modern, progressive, tolerant, peace-loving dictatorships...ooops, I mean, paradises of equality and opportunity ---- and YOU should, too.

  8. I think they're great. Go make me a samich !!

  9. "The elites who ran those companies and made those ads - have sired children.

    The children of those people are still running those companies.

    Think about it"

    WTF are you talking about? Perhaps you've spent too much time with the fellas in the Bradley Group Shower ...

  10. I think their great too. Now you men go ahead and bring home the bacon so you can deposit it into the account that we control while we have our tea parties.

  11. There is not any computer equipment listed on number seven.

  12. We were much better off then, no cops in schools, children had a mom and a dad, crime was low, we need to go back to the morals that made this country great.


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