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Saturday, June 05, 2010

Wicomico County Urgent Events

Upcoming Wicomico County Special Meeting Update
Monday, June 7th 1pm Downtown Salisbury: GOB building 3rd floor
Note: underlined text is 'links' to the Internet

June 7th - 1pm Special Budget Meeting and Work Session;
Be there!

Government Office Bldg., Room 303 Salisbury, MD 21803

We had reported to you that this special work session was at 4pm on 6/7, which is incorrect. The probblem is there was conflicting information out there and no agenda published because this is a special meeting. However, we have confirmed from the Wicomico county council that this meeting will be held on 1pm on Monday 6/7 and is the last budget meeting before the council before their required vote on June 15th. Please come out and join us!

Wicomico County Council: Night Meetings
So many of us have been asking the county council to give the working public access to our local government by holding evening council meetings. The subject came to a vote last month and was once again voted down. John Cannon, who said he would support night meetings at a recent AFP meeting was unable to vote, due to the death of his father. Last Tuesday, Cannon brought the subject up again asking the full council vote on the issue. Please contact each of the council members now and urge them to compromise with the public for one night meeting and one day meeting per month. Or just email them here. Thank John, Joe, Sheree and Gail while you're at it!

JUNE MEETING: June 23rd at 7pm Brew River, Salisbury
Speaking at our next meeting, JUNE 23rd at 7pm will be Bill Satterfield, Executive Director of the Delmarva Poultry Industry, DPI. Please attend and learn about President's Obama's Chesapeake BayExecutive Order or our own Senator Cardin's Chesapeake Bay Legislation, S. 1816. Learn more about the billion dollars of supplies that the poultry buys from the local economy or the 14,700 Poultry company jobs on Delmarva. Reflect for a moment on your own economic situation should some unnamed EPA bureaucrat drive that final nail in the future of the poultry industry. Ask Mr. Satterfield if our elected officials should tell the EPA to put our Poultry industry on their highly heralded endangered species list.

Joe Ollinger - Job Interview
After Mr. Satterfield speaks, we have asked Joe Ollinger to interview for the job of Wicomico County Executive. The leadership of your AFP leadership team was greatly offended when the current Wicomico County Executive did not even appear at the public hearing held to review his final county budget. Joe Ollinger's promise appears to be one of efficiency, effectiveness, and performance and please join us to ask your own questions.

THE BUS FOR THE GLENN BECK TRIP IN AUGUST 28th IS FILLING UP FAST and will be a sellout. Please contact Brian Nygaard for ticket information.

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