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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Tancredo: It's Time To Open Impeachment File

Yes, yes, I know. An impeachment investigation will never be started while Nancy Pelosi is speaker of the House. The good news is that this obstacle to impeachment will likely be removed by January.

It goes without saying that the impeachment process should never be a political weapon used to pursue partisan political advantage. But neither should an impeachment investigation be obstructed for political reasons.

Impeachment is a constitutional remedy to be used for serious offenses identified in the Constitution. So, we must ask this question: Has Barack Obama crossed the line that separates political differences from the serious offenses that warrant impeachment?

The Constitution's provisions for impeachment and removal are not aimed solely at the office of president. Article II, Section 4, stipulates that "the President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."

I believe there is a growing body of evidence of impeachable offenses sufficient to warrant a formal impeachment resolution in the House, followed by a trial in the Senate.

It is instructive that the founders listed only two specific crimes justifying impeachment – bribery and treason. The accusations of bribery against this president are now numerous and growing, and by themselves deserve an independent investigation under supervision of a bipartisan committee of the House of Representatives. In Pennsylvania and Colorado, candidates for the U.S. Senate were offered federal appointments in exchange for dropping out of their respective races. On their face, those actions are attempted bribery and warrant a thorough investigation.

There are also presidential actions that may stray into the category of high crimes and misdemeanors. Only this past week we have witnessed a United States senator tell his constituents that the president, in an Oval Office conversation, refused a direct request to enforce the Constitution 's guarantee of federal protection against foreign invasion. Obama wants a legislative "deal" in exchange for acting to secure the southwest border.

Keep reading


  1. OBAMA=

  2. ok, this is a rediculous post. I'm not a "move-on.org" liberal radical, but GW Bush definitely deserved impeachment for his pointless, wasteful war for nothing if anyone did. And running up the deficit like no other. And he wasn't impeached, even with a Democratic held house and senate. Please, back up your logic for why Obama should be impeached?! I even voted for McCain but I'm not going to jump on the tea party crapwagon that spews things that don't make sense. Things like this article hurt the republican cause. What "actions" of "high crimes" do you refer to? Please tell us... You mean like trying to give people health care? Wow... this probably won't even be posted because it makes too much sense.

  3. 8:46

    Blame it on Bush!

    Obama is clearly not adhearing to the oath he took (twice) to become President.
    Bush defended this country, Obama doesn't

  4. Impeach and then hang the treasonous bastard!

  5. You obviously didn't read the article 8:46, it answers all of your questions.

  6. Fruitland Generic CitizenJune 27, 2010 at 12:52 PM

    Bush couldn't read a map and invaded the wrong damn country. Exactly ZERO of the 9/11 terrorists were Iraqi, and Iraq under Saddam Hussein wouldn't even let Osama bin Laden in the country.

    Not saying Saddam was a good guy, but Bush used 9/11 as an excuse to invade a country not connected with the attacks. Not to mention all the atrocities committed by Blackwater under Bush's regime. And arresting protesters for nothing more than wearing T-shirts with slogans Bush people didn't like who got within a mile of his motorcade.

    If we didn't impeach Bush, then short of getting caught with a dead Thai hooker, no president is gonna get impeached again.

  7. Honestly, there is a set of people that have had the "impeach Obama" file open since before he was even sworn in.

  8. Last thing you wanna do, for then we'll have Joe for pres.(which is why slick willie remained in office...who wants al bore in there?...no one, that's who.)


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