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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Nightly News At 6 PM


  1. Why should my tax dollars pay for county employees life insurance? To me life insurance is purchased to keep your family from being burdened with all the expenses at the time of your death. Life Insurance should be bought and paid for by one who cares enough for his/her family to keep them out of financial debt at his/her death.

    You state "Fineran is more valuable than a deputy's life". I am not sure how you think life insurance can save a life in the sheriff's department.

    I read on this site daily all the harping about the expenditures, not wanting taxes to go up, get rid of this person, etc. but when something is cut or there are furloughs the ranting turns to "you can't take that away".

    Guess what, cuts can only get worse because through the years government employees (federal, state, county, town) have been given many benefits that at present government can no longer afford.

    I have to live within a budget as should government. I might add I pay for my own life insurance

    If any county employee would like to have life insurance than let them shop around for a cheaper price and pay for it themselves, like most non-government employees.

    Please stop burdening the tax payers and expect them to contine to pay for all the "pork barrel" benefits.

  2. 832-It's not about saving a life, its about giving benefit to the families of those who put their life on the line for the public.

  3. anonymous 8:32, one of the greatest benefits of working for "government" is the benefits they provide. Look, government jobs have always been known to provide job security. You could work 20 years or so and retire. You didn't make as good a salary as you could in a private company but you were very confortable knowing you could start there and retire there while providing good health insurance and yes, even life insurance for your family.

    Wicomico County doesn't pay all that well but they have some perks that sparks the interest in many and life insurance is one of them.

    Once this fund dries out, (and it will dry out) that perk will be forever gone and the next generation of employees will get even less. Local government is dumbing down America. If you fall for this crap now, what's going to happen to your children's security. It's easy for the private sector to say, well, get your own insurance. It's nowhere near as simple when you make far less income in a local government job.

    So I disagree with you.

  4. Oh, I never said life insurance would save a deputy's life. Where did that idea come from?

    As far as furloughs, I have been very open in my statements over and over again. Rick should have made cuts three years ago when we were in a recession. Just what do you call what were in today???????


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