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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

NBA's Manute Bol Remembered For Humanitarian Work

Multisource political news, world news, and entertainment news analysis by Newsy.com

Former NBA player Manute Bol died Saturday at a hospital in Charlottesville, Virginia, at the age of 47.

EDITOR'S NOTES: When I was a kid growing up in Bowie, we often ran into Manute Bol at local stores. I'll never forget meeting him for the first time. His waist/belt line seemed to be as tall as I was. He played for the Washington Bullets and back then he spoke broken english but always smiled and treated every one with kindness. Living in Bowie allowed us to meet many Professional Football Players, Hockey Players and of course Basketball Players. None were as kind as this Gentle Giant. R.I.P. Manute Bol.

1 comment:

  1. He is also the possible originator of the phrase, "My Bad" - it had been found in an article published back in the 80's.


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