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Thursday, June 03, 2010

Jim Rutledge Criticizes Mikulski For Jeopardizing National Security

Mikulski Votes Against Border Fence

FOREST HILL, Maryland - Republican U.S. Senate Candidate Jim Rutledge is concerned that Barbara Mikulski continues to play politics at the expense of national security. Mikulski voted last week to defeat an amendment that would have allowed for the completion of a 700-mile fence along the United States-Mexico border. Rutledge said, “Barbara Mikulski is interested more in defending illegal immigrants when she should be working to defend our borders.”

The Rutledge for Senate Campaign believes Barbara Mikulski and Barack Obama are both guilty of political hypocrisy when is comes to protecting our borders. In 2006, Mikulski joined Barack Obama in voting for the “Secure Fence Act”, which passed the Senate by a margin of 80-19. The 2006 law called for building a double-layer fence along the border. To date only 34 miles of fence has been constructed. Now Barbara Mikulski has turned her back on national security to pander for a liberal Washington agenda. Jim Rutledge said, “Barbara Mikulski has decided to disavow her solemn oath to protect and defend America.”

Sen. Jim DeMint sponsored the “Finish the Fence Act” after efforts to create a virtual fence failed. Recent actions by the Mexican government to target drug cartels have led to an increase in violence along the border. Sen. DeMint recently pointed out that in Phoenix there have been 316 kidnapping cases with nearly all of them involving illegal immigrants and drugs.

Jim Rutledge supports Sen. Jim DeMint’s fight to finish the fence and secure our borders. Illegal immigration is costing the taxpayers of Maryland millions of dollars a year. Jim Rutledge believes it’s time for Marylanders to have a U.S. Senator who is willing to enforce the law to protect our citizens.


  1. She's a fat little socialist NAZI .

  2. The fence should be made of "crossfire". For those of you who don't know what that is , I will explain . This involves 2 machine guns every 1000 yards. They will shoot intersecting at 700 yards. These guns should take care of 2 miles of border. the guns should be aimed at the country of mexico and intersect at the rio-grande. We already have the people and the guns , just need more ammo.

  3. As the most liberal member of the senate, with Obama gone, Mikulski continues to defend illegals over American citizens.

    She has the audacity to claim she is working to provide JOBS for Maryland, sure, illegals in Maryland.

    Things will change for the better when Mikulski is defeated.

    Mikulski supports AMNESTY.

  4. It is very refreshing to have a political candidate to take a strong principled stand.

    Go Jim Rutledge!!!

  5. Mikulski must be thrown out with rest of the trash in November.

  6. I disaggree with senator mikulski's vote, but I think what that person said about shooting the illegal immigrants however effective at keeping them out of the country, is inhumane. Senator Mikulski doesn't support amnesty she supports a realistic way of helping illegals to get on a path to legalization. I suggest that you check your facts before you make false statements.

  7. IF Sen. Mikulski supports a realistic way of helping illegals to get on a path to legalization, WHAT would that process be? Deporting them and then making them come in the front door, the legal way? Or does she want to grant amnesty where they can stay and get ASAP citizenship and papers. I think she is trying to pull one over on those of us who pay through the nose in taxes to support the programs in this state. Our backs can't take it anymore- this spend o rama of entitlement programs is not solvent.


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