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Thursday, June 03, 2010

How Fast Is Your Broadband?

FCC wants volunteers to test connection speeds

How do you connect your home computer to the Internet? If you have broadband service, what’s the download speed? If you don’t know — and odds are you don’t — you’re in the majority
“People know whether they’re paying extra money to upgrade to a faster speed,” says Aaron Smith, a research specialist with the Pew Research Center’s Internet and American Life Project. “But when you ask them if they have a 400 Mbps (megabit per second) or a 200Mbps connection, you generally get quizzical expressions and an inability to answer the question.”

I know I pay a lot more for broadband because it’s much faster than my old dial-up service. But I couldn’t tell you the speed I bought or the speed I get if my life depended on it. And I’m not alone.

GO HERE to read more.


  1. http://www.broadband.maryland.gov/

  2. broadband? what broadband?
    there is no option for the rural area not serviced by cable.

    if you not in some sort of population center your out in the cold in many ways

  3. 10:23 AM
    Amen brother!(or sister)Homes within walking distance of mine around the corner have Verizon DSL but nobody on my road can get it.Cable stops a mere 2 miles away.....I still get piles of junk mail to my address regularly urging me to sign up with both companies.Instead of spending money advertising products we cant get,why dont they invest in their networks and expand service?Theres a huge untapped internet market out there,especially in rural pockets on the Shore.

  4. If the market was huge enough it would already be tapped you country bumpkin

  5. It hasnt been tapped because they havent expanded their offerings.They are going broke with the proliferation of cell phones and satellite TV.If they can spend that money they use to send me worthless flyers offering something thewy cant give me,they might be able to actually make good on the offers.


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