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Thursday, June 03, 2010

Ehrlich or O'Malley?

Which one are you voting for?


  1. Ehrlich with Brian Murphy as his LT. Governor

  2. I would vote for Elmer Fudd before I would vote for O'Malley.

  3. Ehrlich with Brian Murphy as his LT. Governor

    Ehrlich with Brian Murphy as his LT. Governor

    Ehrlich with Brian Murphy as his LT. Governor

    Enough said

  4. I don't really consider either of these two as good choices....Flush-Tax or Sales-Tax.

  5. O'Malley - definitely

  6. Murphy... no new taxes

  7. Too soon to say. As crooked as present day politicians are, I think I'll delay my choice incase either gets in trouble before election day. Also there may be a better choice to vote for before all is said and done.

  8. Ehrlich....O'Mally is too close to obama. (and that ain't a city in Nebraska)

  9. Who else will be on the ballot?

  10. O'Malley, both voters in our house.

  11. A conservative, but he will have to win Baltimore, Montgomery, & P Georges. Our opinion won't matter.

  12. Ehrlich, but concerned he may end up being "O'Malley Light."

    Bob has to come out strong, like Gov. Christie, with plans of cutting state employees jobs, benefits, and government size.

    Plans to reduce the sales tax a good start.

    It's all just interesting conversation though. MD Eastern Shore doesn't matter.

  13. Totally agree with 743, hopefully Ehrlich comes out and makes the tough choices like Chris Christie has.

  14. I wish the media would give Murphy a more serious look. I don't know everything about him but I like what I have seen. I don't understand how politics will ever really change when every election in every place the people consistantly get the same bad options. I wish I had the answers but since I don't I will use my single vote for Murphy and then watch him lose by 93 points.

  15. Governor Ehrlich, again.

  16. Why would you vote for someone to tell you what you can and cannot do? It might be ok if they did what you wanted them to do and you had a voice in things, but more and more we see that is not the case.


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