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Thursday, June 03, 2010

Bush Defends Waterboarding 9/11 Mastermind

Ex-president says he would 'do it again to save lives'

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. - Former President George W. Bush says if he had it to do over, he would still waterboard the self-professed mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks.

Waterboarding is a simulated drowning technique that the Obama administration considers torture. Bush acknowledged Wednesday that the U.S. used the harsh interrogation technique on Khalid Sheik Mohammed and said he would "do it again to save lives."

Bush made the comment while speaking to the Economic Club of Grand Rapids, Mich.

GO HERE to read more.


  1. I agree, it is a mind game, it would be different if they were pulling toe nails, cutting off appendages or like. But this is simulated drowning, they are never in fear of actually dying. Then again I think torture is ok with these terrorist. There should be an agreement, we will do to your soldiers/operatives that you do to ours.

  2. No one cares if the troops waterboard in fact they want them too .

  3. more like the catholic church,leave the children alone.

  4. If our military says a person is a terrorist then I say just go ahead and torture them.

    If a local cop says my neighbor is a terrorist (under the U.S.A. Patriot Act) I say just go ahead and torture them without citizens rights to attorney, fair trial, jury of peers, etc.

    If you make an enemy with a local cop or date his ex-girlfriend, or whatever lame excuse a person may have for claiming an officer of the law is treating you unfair . . . well then, tough luck. I say torture you anyway.

    This is America. We don't take terror lightly.

    Our Police and Military are all heroes in my book. What ever they say goes. You don't like it? Leave the country you grew up in and pledged your allegiance to as a 3rd grader. To Haiti with you.

  5. 10:59
    Hear here!

    Our heroes don't make mistakes.

    They are doing god's work

  6. And if someone was holding your loved ones hostage, threatened to kill them in a horrible way and someone knew where they were and who was holding them but wasn't going to tell you, what would you do to get that information from them?

  7. I wonder how the 9/11 family members feel knowing that this crack pot in the White House opposes water boarding against a terrorist. If you think they wouldn't use other forms of torture, you are sadly mistaken. Let them take a crack at the terrorists.

  8. If Obama was water boarded I wonder if he would let us see his transcripts .

  9. 12:21
    If you were water-boarded, I wonder if you would let us see your brains.

  10. 12:42 I can out think you with what I have left .

  11. lets waterboard Obama and see if he produces a birth certificate ..... hmmm mabye thats why he is opposed to it


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