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Thursday, June 03, 2010

British Airways Sorry For Bin Laden Boarding Pass Image

‘We are working to find out how this occurred,’ airline says via Twitter

LONDON - British Airways has apologized for a picture in a company magazine that showed a boarding pass in the name of Osama bin Laden.

The company said Thursday that the image of the fake boarding pass appeared in LHR News, a biweekly publication for British Airways employees at London Heathrow airport.

"A mistake was made and we are working to find out how this occurred. Apologies for the error," British Airways said in Twitter messages replying to Tweeters who raised the issue.

Bin Laden, who is thought to be hiding near the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan, is accused of being behind the Sept. 11 attacks in the U.S., as well other terrorist acts.


GO HERE to view Salisbury News article/image.


  1. The CIA and FBI however are yet to apologize for the fact that 11 of the 19 supposed hijackers were still alive in 2003.

    Maybe if we give them a bigger budget they can do a better job?

  2. How did 11 of the 19 hijackers survive the plane crashes, I would be amazed to fine out.

  3. 1:52
    Obviously they were never on the plane. Duh


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