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Thursday, June 03, 2010


BP crews successfully cuts pipe in latest attempt to stem oil spill, Coast Guard says. More to come.
GO HERE to read more.


  1. This just in ... Obama takes credit !!!

  2. They cut it with shears, now they have to saw it clean with the diamond tip blade so the compreeion cap will slide over the end of the pipe.

  3. THis just in... Wow what a company BP the 4th largest corporation in the world , it took them 45days to cut a piece of pipe in half.
    Question : How much will this cost you at the pump?
    Do like post 10:38 blame obama.
    Hell people like you will get the job done , why not blame the multi million dollar oil company who is to fault , and the small group of gov who is to see that these jobs are to be correct.
    But instead these few gov agencies are in with the companies taking free lunches , free what ever to look the other way,
    Yes or government is somewhat responsible, but just blame obama, like 10:38
    That will surely fix everthing.
    Just another rich republican.

  4. I would like to know more about legislation that allowed wells to be frilled without relief wells already in place in case something like this happens. Who voted for this?

  5. 10:58 Your such a hypocrite loon's like you blamed Bush for the Governor of Louisiana dropping the ball . You raised the bar of Presidential expectations and now you want to cry foul ? Not to mention it's the left wing envioro kooks like you who forced them to do deep water drilling instead of safely on land take responsibility !

  6. Some commenters believe what they are told by the Main Stream Media.

    If you find yourself repeating television talking points - stop talking. You have nothing to say. Merely refer your conversation to the television.

    Do some research. Open your mind.
    Educate yourself.

  7. 11:39 no name opinions are useless.

  8. what im wondering is how anycountry can regulate the wells at all.

    if i recall territorial waters only exted 12 miles, and most wells are beyond that placing them in international waters

  9. 11:50 Like yours ? who said you make the rules of credibility ?

  10. Doug,
    I wish I could use my name. However, due to my concern for family and career I cannot use my name.

    I believe Joe has clearly demonstrated on his blog that anonymous comments are welcome. He enjoys the hits and the conversation.

    Some people commenting (not you) should not use their names given the nature of their opinions. But that is for each person to decide.

    Everyone here realizes that an anonymous commenter is a real person like me. I don't understand the need by some of you to require or request a person reveal their identity? Is it because you disagree with my comments?

    If you disagree with a person's comments simply address them as the time, and then state your disagreement. Please understand that some of us want to make public comments anonymously. If Joe decides in the future to block anonymous comments then so be it. I will be saddened if that happens, but it will be his decision not yours.

    Thank you - respectfully

  11. Question. BP did the drilling. BUT, before they did, they had to get permission from the government based on the standards they submitted. If BP's requests were sub standard, why did the government sign it and OK it?? So, now we have a monster that killed 11 people. Who is to blame? The company asking to do work sub standard, or the power that allowed it??!? Obviously, the most important thing now is to do the best we can to clean it up. Still, who is to blame?

  12. 1:20 That's easy it's the liberals who forced them to drill way out there in the name of environmental safety .

  13. 1:59
    You say that as if we the people have some sort of power over our government or even wilder . . . the corporations who own our government lock, stock and barrel.

    We do not.

    You are repeating a talking point from the Main Stream Media designed to entice you and others into believing we still have some say in matters. Clearly we do not have any say in matters.

    The corporations get what they want because they own our corrupt political process. They also own our media. So they propagandize us into believing we are making choices. We are not.

    They drill where they want, when they want. Period.

  14. 11:50
    If no name opinions are useless then Doug wilkerson postings are useless and always have been.

  15. 1:59 and doug

    The republicans have urged for years for less government control in big corporations, less regulations, etc. Thats the basis of their platform. Now after a big company messes up, they scream for the government to clean up the mess.

    Rob S

  16. somebody better get cleaning this mess up before it gets here


    Joe, you might wanna make a separate post for this

  17. Rob S. less government didn't cause this mess . It was caused from the left wing faction of the democrat party called environmentalists who forced the oil companies off shore with the governments help into deep water drilling thinking it would be safer . But we all know what ever a liberal does always has the opposite result then the stated intent.

  18. How come the democrats never go after the electric companies ? I wonder if it has to do with unions !


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