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Sunday, June 20, 2010

All-America City 2010: Salisbury, Maryland’s Presentation

Watch live streaming video from freespeechtv at livestream.com


  1. Reminds me of a Wal-Mart meeting.

  2. Wow what a treat to view this! Thanks for posting what is working well in this area. Often I have been reminded how hard it is to get inpatient treatment though the PRMC emergency room during a psychiatric crisis. This created some of the ongoing homeless problems and why there were so many homeless in this area. People were released when what they truly needed was long term psychiatric treatment.
    So many improvements! What impressed me about this clip is, THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO CARE enough to make a positive change for several segments the Salisbury population that was obscure, was forgotten and left helpless. It was sad to hear a lot of people froze to death in 2001. I was glad to hear many Veterans’ were connected to services they were not aware of. Helping the homeless, vets and those with mental disabilities is not easy. This is the first I have heard of this project in our area.

  3. That was it? And how much did this short narrow view of Salisbury cost the taxpayers? And what is the net gain besides a piece of paper? How many other cities compete for this? I my opinion what a joke considering all the negatives which have come about in my 51 years of living here - watching what was once a nice beautiful town turn into a gray ghost! I use to think of Salisbury being colorfull now when I here the name all my mind can picture is a grey dim of a forgotten building. Sad! Oh so sad!

  4. What kind of Kool-Aid were the judges drinking?

  5. It looks like both Pick and Chambers were there, what about Jim-Beau?

    PS -- the judges must not read this blog!

  6. What a F#%KING JOKE! Is that John Pick?

  7. A couple of turds from the Board of Education. That's all I needed to see.

    Do either of them live in the city limits?

  8. If Salisbury saddens you so much because of all the good work that is being done by so many, move. It's a free country. There are other places that don't care about people, I'm sure you can find one where you will fit in just fine!

  9. Amazing! How wonderful to see so many different organizations that have been created to ending the cycle of Homelessness in our area.
    It's no wonder to me that we won. I hope these positive changes continue!

  10. I was enjoying my fathers day till I saw this , I puked all over the place. The world is a mess!go-bamie stars.

  11. I really hope someone starts a recall petition on Mayor Ireton.

  12. Audrey said...
    Amazing! How wonderful to see so many different organizations that have been created to ending the cycle of Homelessness in our area.
    It's no wonder to me that we won. I hope these positive changes continue!

    7:49 PM

    Thanks Lore. You are just as much a joke as Ireton and the Homeless Beggers in Salisbury are.

  13. A piece of paper, to draw people who don't know how Salisbury really is!!! I did like living here ----45 yrs ago-----but now is a totally different story!

  14. With all the negative news and crime, I commend this group for traveling to try to make a difference in our community. This is something we as a community should be proud of and strive for! I can't believe all the negativity! What is the alternative? To sit around and complain and do nothing? I applaud Dr. George Whitehead and Derek Woo, etc who I know both personally and can attest they are quality people who I am proud to know. We need more people like this in our community to take action. It was nice hearing a slice of some success stories and to hear real testimonials from real citizens who appreciate what our community and our leaders have done for them. As a citizen of Salisbury, a state employee, and a mother, I want to thank them all for trying to make a difference and to help build moral in this area. Way to go! Now the rest of you complainers, please follow their example and do something productive in our community and help transform Salibury! I know I am! I was inspired!

  15. I thought Chambers' position was made to fill in for Pick when he was away. So why are they both there? Who's minding the store?

    We have many good organizations, but our city is still not an All-American City.

  16. Who paid for all these people to travel there? How much time and money was invested in this? Is there a cash reward given for being an all American City?

  17. All the positive things are nice but they do little or nothing to negate the very bad crime or the rapid decay of city neighborhoods.It is a good thing the homeless are being helped but lets not forget that they arent any more safer on these streets than any of the rest of us.

  18. Kind of like BP being green. If outsiders only knew about all the crime here.

  19. What's really sad is that the people who are bashing salisbury right now have probably done nothing to get involved and try to transform our city. You have an awfully lot to say when you're sitting in front of your computer but how about you get out there and try to help the rest of us who are actually doing things to make salisbury better? Because truth be told, the real joke is the people like you who are too lazy to do anything yet expect miracles to be done over night by everyone else.


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