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Monday, May 17, 2010

Somerset Budget Reminder

Somerset Budget Hearing

Demand LOWER Taxes

Tuesday, May 18,2010 at 7:00
in County Commssioners Office
located in County Office Building
(former Washington H.S.)
Princess Anne

Copies of budget will be finally available at door.

Question their FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY in the purchase of a marina, ballfield, and proposed museum.

Why is Somerset exempt from budget cutting?
Why does Somerset continue to spend and waste your tax dollars?
Why are closed schools rehabed for county offices rather than SOLD to non-government entities that would generate tax revenue?
Why did Somerset need a "Land Management" building in Kingston?
Why was a new facililty built for Land Management?
What is 'Land Management'?
Why is this three year old structure for sale?
Should there not be a 'Master Plan'?


  1. What has the Economic Development office done in the last six years? A Food Lion that swapped old jobs for new ones?

  2. It will never change-there is an unseen power structure in place and too much nepotism and favoritism.ALL departments spend ridiculous sums of money on stuff that is not needed and the things that need money and attention are neglected.

  3. I think it is a Local Management Board office that is in Kingston. All counties have to have one.

  4. Every county has to have one? WHY?
    Maybe that is the problem, people do not ask enough questions and assume government is doing what is best, but that is so untrue. The board is probably a total waste of taxpayers money, if it wasn't we would probably at least know what it does, if anything.

  5. get federal,or state monies or grants and be served "mandates" in return

  6. Economic development, management board, community development, home economics, tourism office, all county offices that produce nothing and cost the taxpayers money. Planing and zoning is over staffed with nothing to do because of the economy and no new construction taking place. There is plenty of waste to cut and taxes should be lowered. Don't ever believe that there is no fat to cut because that my friends is just a lie.

  7. Why don't some you guy's from wicomico come down and see how its done. I know you have plenty of time on your hands these days.

  8. Some excellent points have been made which could also be said about other counties and cities as well. How about a 10% accross the board cut and let the chips fall where they may. It's time to sacrafice a little bit and not whine about the government not doing enough for everyone. Most governments are broke and if they are not they will be soon if they don't quit unnessary spending.

  9. NO furloughs, layoffs,or paycuts and taxes going down yup' thats a problem.

  10. Taxes are not going down, who are you trying to fool 5:28?


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