Barack OBAMA, during his Cairo speech, said: "I know, too, that Islam has always been a part of America 's story."
Dear Mr. Obama:
Were those Muslims that were in America when the Pilgrims first landed? Funny, I thought they were Native American Indians.
Were those Muslims that celebrated the first Thanksgiving day? Sorry again, those were Pilgrims and Native American Indians.
Can you show me one Muslim signature on the United States Constitution?
Declaration of Independence ?
Bill of Rights?
Didn't think so.
Did Muslims fight for this country's freedom from England ? No.
Did Muslims fight during the Civil War to free the slaves in America ? No, they did not. In fact, Muslims to this day are still the largest traffickers in human slavery. Your own half brother, a devout Muslim, still advocates slavery himself, even though Muslims of Arabic descent refer to black Muslims as "pug nosed slaves." Says a lot of what the Muslim world really thinks of your family's "rich Islamic heritage," doesn't it Mr. Obama?
Where were Muslims during the Civil Rights era of this country? Not present.
There are no pictures or media accounts of Muslims walking side by side with Martin Luther King, Jr. or helping to advance the cause of Civil Rights.
Where were Muslims during this country's Woman's Suffrage era? Again, not present. In fact, devout Muslims demand that women are subservient to men in the Islamic culture. So much so, that often they are beaten for not wearing the 'hajib' or for talking to a man who is not a direct family member or their husband. Yep, the Muslims are all for women's rights, aren't they?
Where were Muslims during World War II? They were aligned with Adolf Hitler. The Muslim grand mufti himself met with Adolf Hitler, reviewed the troops and accepted support from the Nazi's in killing Jews.
Finally, Mr. Obama, where were Muslims on Sept. 11th, 2001? If they weren't flying planes into the World Trade Center , the Pentagon or a field in Pennsylvania killing nearly 3,000 people on our own soil, they were rejoicing in the Middle East ... No one can dispute the pictures shown from all parts of the Muslim world celebrating on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC and other cable news networks that day. Strangely, the very "moderate" Muslims who's asses you bent over backwards to kiss in Cairo , Egypt on June 4th were stone cold silent post 9-11. To many Americans, their silence has meant approval for the acts of that day.
And THAT, Mr. Obama, is the "rich heritage" Muslims have here in America .
Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to mention the Barbary Pirates. They were Muslim.
And now we can add November 5, 2009 - the slaughter of American soldiers at Fort Hood by a Muslim major who is a doctor and a psychiatrist who was supposed to be counseling soldiers returning from battle in Iraq and Afghanistan .
That, Mr. Obama is the "Muslim heritage" in America .
I wonder why Obama didn't ask the muslims in Cairo why they had all the pigs that were owned by Christians killed. They were afraid they would get swine flu. Their pure hate came back to bite them in the butt this time. The Christians would come into town each day and remove all the garbage so that they could feed the pigs the left over food in it. Without pigs to feed there was no need. Now they can't even open their windows because of the smell from the piles of garbage.
ReplyDeleteawesome story! cant wait for O to be reelected again. go obama!
ReplyDeleteall of this stuff confuses me. if you believe in the bible didnt man kind start from two individuals? think about that. we are ALL related. and besides, America is the pinnacle of freedom. freedom to be who you are and to come here for a better life. muslim, white, black, latino, pacific american. are you really that insecure about yourself that you don't want any competition in life. how laughable is that. take away ethnic backgrounds and you have killed what America stands for.
ReplyDeletemore hatred without research. Muslim's did fight in the revolutionary and civil wars. Most muslims in this country at that time were slaves from Africa and did participate in the wars.
ReplyDeleteMuslims have been present in America for at least 300+ years, so is there a rich heritage...yes.
The blind sweeping statement about Muslims not being present for all of these events e.g. Civil rights, WWII are completely unresearched and unfounded. Islam is a religion not a nationality. So did people of Islamic faith fight on America's side -- of course.
just proves my point to people that muslims should be exterminated .. they are not a peaceful group of people. If they were peaceful 9-11 would never have happened and they wouldnt torture their own people
ReplyDeleteHitler had it backwards it's not the jew's that were bad it's the Muslims
11:50 Infedel do not bow down to these swine. Of course they were here. Abraham Mustafa Akmed Lincoln for one. They had piles of curry and cus cus not stuffing. Johnny Quest had Haji. Kareem Abdul Jabar.
ReplyDeleteThe truth is the muslim faith recruited Blacks while in jail. Not slavery. You can call it slavery but if you commit a crime you do time. Funny they go into jail as Deontraez Felopian Jackson. They come out Mohomid X, Lady Shabazz, Louis Farahikan.
This country has had enough. Arizona is just the tip of the ice berg. When a person who has entered our country illegally can march in the thousands on our White House and our sitting President does nothing. It is time for his Islamic, lazy,lying ass to go. Sorry Ill take a politician who steals our tax money over a pussy any day
Muslims are scum!
ReplyDeletesuch hipocracy... we denounce muslims, want to exterminate 1 billion people, and call them scum because of 9/11 being carried out by a group of radical muslims
ReplyDeletejust a few months ago we had a "christian militia" on our very own soil plotting to kill police officers before being busted by the FBI, yet we don't denounce all of christianity, call to exterminate them or call christians names
there are whackos of all skin colors, genders, and religions who have all done crazy things in the name of their respective beliefs, the innocent do not deserve to be classified with them
Rob S
oooooo! busted!