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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Obama To Send 1,200 Troops To Border

The Obama administration plans to announce Tuesday that it will send as many as 1,200 National Guard troops to the U.S.-Mexico border to improve border security, an Arizona congresswoman said.

Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords also said in a statement released Tuesday that President Barack Obama will request $500 million in funding for border security.

Part of Giffords' district borders Mexico.

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer's spokesman said the governor hadn't been told of the move prior to her office being contacted by The Associated Press and had no immediate comment.



  1. Too late @ssh@le. The state took it upon itself to do it and do it better! Stay in washington and keep your corruption there!

  2. It would take 100 times that number to cover that border with rules of engagement that include deadly force. The political backbone is not there yet to put that many Guardsmen there.


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