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Friday, May 21, 2010

Nightly News At 6 PM


  1. Joe , You are SOOOOOOOOOO HOT !!!

  2. Looks cool to me. Nice weather.

  3. You are absolutely right-on-point in reference to Pollitt not submitting a detailed budget. .

    right-on-pointabout Olinger's democratic connections. . .

    right-on-point about these various candidates not filing for election even though they are fully engaged in fund raising.

    Sometimes I really think that the general public is dumb for allowing themselves to fall for some of these political shenanagins.

    GREAT JOB JOE! You did a superb job for bringing these issues to the public forefront.


  4. When this is all over, maybe we meet. I aint nutin special.

  5. You look so serious. I'm glad someone cares about our town!

  6. Your best back drop yet Joe! Best Wishes.

  7. u said you know 58 times

  8. Who is the council member representing Dist 5 in Sussex Co DE - Anyone know - or how I can find out? Heard a rumor I wish to speak to him about before it becomes an issue in Kent Co.

  9. Dist 5 is Vance Phillips.

  10. The first one was the most important one though.

  11. Serious as a heart attack.

  12. It is the way Mr. Baker wrote the charter. It clearly states that Council only has approval authority. This is where the discrepancy is. HELLO Baker-you have to know what something is about before you approve it. You have someone writing the charter that has no clue of what it takes to get the job done.

    word verification "Shats"

  13. I have no patience for someone who gets paid thousands of taxpayer dollars and who is dumb as a stump.

  14. Okay boys.....you either do obey and charter or don't obey the charter. You cannot pick and choose on what is convenient for you at the time. You are all washed out. Pack up your books that you don't use and go home.


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