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Friday, May 21, 2010

Ireton Concerned About Short Sighted Decision On Bateman/Onley Road Issue

Mayor James Ireton, Jr. issues this statement regarding the Salisbury City Council postponement of a much needed upgrade to the Onley Road/Bateman Street intersection on South Division Street in Salisbury. The postponement happened at Friday morning’s council worksession.

“The Board of Education, Salisbury University, and the City of Salisbury have presented a workable, affordable solution to the bottleneck at Onley Road/Bateman Street along the South Division Street Corridor. The council, today, asked for a timeline going back 10 years and questioned the ability of the Salisbury Public Works Director to sign public works agreements. Public works agreements are administrative matters per the city code. It is a huge overreach for the council to attempt to micromanage these agreements – making them subject to political winds. Since March 1, 2010 we have been on the same page with Salisbury University and the Wicomico County Board of Education in finding a fiscally responsible solution that will take that intersection from a Grade D to Grade B under criteria from the National Transportation Research Board. Council has delayed action, again, putting the safety of pedestrians, busses, and schoolchildren in the balance. I urge them to reconsider and act swiftly on my plan to bring the intersection to an acceptable level of safety,” said Mayor Ireton


  1. BS = Enough time has been wasted in dealing with this. No way should buses enter bennett fron onley dr. Enter from College Ave and leave by Robins Ave elimanating Onley Dr. There are nothing but Sal. U. students living there.

  2. "I urge them to reconsider and act swiftly on my plan to bring the intersection to an acceptable level of safety,” said Mayor Ireton

    This is to funny. This guy has had over a year to put a new Fire Chief in place and now he expects the city council to act swiftly on his plan. WTF! Oh, my bad, he wants to them to act swiftly on HIS plan because it affects HIS job with the Board of Education. Well guess what Mr. Ireton your other job is with the voters and the tax payers of the city of Salisbury. We expected you to act swiftly on correcting the corruption within the city including department heads, Lore Chambers and John Pick.

    We are your job, we are your bosses. You need to act swiftly on OUR plan!!

  3. Ireton -- a teacher with the Board -- has a huge conflict of interest that Dr. Freddy is playing like a violin.

  4. HIS plan? Didn't know the Mare was a civil engineer now.

    Oh, the arrogance.

  5. Anonymous said...
    HIS plan? Didn't know the Mare was a civil engineer now.

    Oh, the arrogance.

    8:49 PM

    HIS plan is to fulfill his agenda and keep his parttime job with full time benifits.

    Anon 7:34 PM, you better believe this is a conflict of interest and this should have been disclosed during every discussion on this!!

  6. Wow, if isn't a prime example of the triple P's then I don't know what is.

  7. Anonymous said...
    Wow, if isn't a prime example of the triple P's then I don't know what is.

    8:20 AM

    Ok, what is triple P's?


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