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Thursday, May 06, 2010

County Service


Hello there , I wanted to write to see if you had an answer for a little problem my parents are having they had a new well put in at their home.since the day after the well was put in the water has been running day and night nonstop. They contacted the county the day after the well was put it to inform them of this. they told them they would have someone out to their home on Monday, well Monday has come and gone and we haven't heard a word.we called today and they said yes someone will be out there very soon. I have talked to several people whom have had the same issue, it seems that there is only one person who does this job and they will get to you when they want is what I'm hearing. So my question to you is do you have any suggestion, or does anyone on our blog site? The water has been running seven days now.

Thanks for your time.


  1. why are they calling the county? shouldn't they be calling a plumber

  2. no the county has to come out and test the water.there is nothing wrong with the faucet,they were told by the county to keep the water running until they came out o test it.but they werent told that it would be over a week before they would see anyone.

  3. be prepared to run the water a lot longer. I put in a new well last july and it was three months that my water ran non-stop until I got two consecutive passing water tests. let the water run, it's not going to hurt anything. just do it from the hose(s) outside so it's not running into a septic tank or the sewer. if they have an sprinkler system run that for a while each day as well. gotta flush out the bacteria.

  4. 10:20 is correct. Mine ran for 6 weeks before it passed and I still needed a water treatment system. I believe they came out after 2 weeks for the 1st test.

  5. Deal with this all the time. Call early morning or late afternoon ask to speak with the inspector directly.

  6. tell them you have a dead body stuffed into the well. when they come rushing out, ask them to check it while theyre there.

  7. We had a new well put in about 4 years ago, the beginning of May and the water was finally tested the beginning of July and passed their tests mid-July. Of course they didn't bother to tell me it had passed until I called them in August to ask when we could start using/drinking water etc...only to be told it was done some two weeks prior and we were all clear. They didn't notify us at all and wasted all that water/time waiting. The way the county handles this process is really bad!!

  8. typical government workers! Could never make it in private industry!

  9. How much of this government intervention are we the people going to stand for. Do you really think the water is going to hurt you if you drink it now. If you believe that, you better not drink it 6 weeks from now because it is coming out of the same well.

  10. they never came and checked , it's been three years and i quit waiting. we use it every day.

  11. Just proves it's all a waste of taxpayers money doesn't it 8:55? I say get rid of these employees that don't produce and give us a tax break. All of the well water comes out of the same source so why waste time and money testing it, no one is going to be harmed by drinking it as soon as the well is complete.

  12. No problems here. They even tested for iron which is not needed anymore.


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