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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Senator Diane Feinstein Said

Speaking on health care Monday, Senator Diane Feinstein said:

"I've gotten 90,000 emails and faxes on the health care bill and over 85,000 of them are against it.
After all the debate we've had, I can't believe so many people still don't get it!"


  1. WHO doesn't get it?

  2. Obviously she is the one that doesn't get it!

  3. yeah, i cant believe our senators and representatives dont get it either!

  4. She's the same idiot that pointed out Obama is left handed. His reply, get used to it.

  5. probably because 84,000 of those letters still falsely call it a "government takeover"

  6. What Feinstein doesn't GET is, SHE is OUR employee, not the other way around!!

  7. 9:09:

    What would you call it when the government tries to MANDATE that you buy health insurance, tells you what coverage you MUST have and threatens to fine you if you don"t buy it.

  8. 9:09 Common sense

    People on this blog are all so worried someone will get something for nothing, manditory insurance puts us all on common ground and no one will be stealing from the system.

  9. 11:49 you're a fool!

    You said ".....and no one will be stealing from the system."

    The truth is that those who pay into the system are being robbed by people who DON'T pay into the system but still benefit from it. You're God Damned right I worry about the massive number of people who get something for nothing because it's those who actually pay their own way that are forced at gunpoint to pay twice it's value for those who don't.

  10. 12:37 You make my point. Now everyone will ahve to pay for insurance.

  11. 1:24

    In case you weren't aware,subsidies will be provided to earners who do not make a salary over $8,000 a year, so that they may purchase government health care. Who do you think provides the funding for those subsidies?

  12. anon 1:24

    Thank you for stating the obvious. Guess 11:49 will be getting it for free?? If not, maybe he's willing to pay extra for those that oppose this "socialist ramrodding".

  13. The fine is a joke. it's $325 a year and its deducted from your tax return, which assumes you pay taxes. people will continue to CHOOSE to go without health insurance becuase it costs 10-15x more than the fine. And, when they get sick, insurance companies will be required to sell it to them at that time. and, if they make less than 80k a year, they're premium will be subsidized to boot. THe private health insurance system can't survive that set of rules. if nothing in this bill changes, we'll be living under a national health care system by 2020 and will know what it means to have care rationed.

  14. Where's a link to substantiate this story... I Googled and found nothing. Sounds like it was opinionated as hell!

    Oh, I see you have one of those "Comment moderation has been enabled. All comments must be approved by the blog author" ... hmmmm wonder why!?!


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