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Friday, April 02, 2010

The Secret Is Out – Democrats Don’t Care About the Constitution

“I don’t worry about the Constitution.”  That’s a direct quote from Rep. Phil Hare (D-IL).

It’s bad enough that this guy thinks that the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution are the same thing.  It’s bad enough that he doesn’t worry about little things like our Constitution.  Here is the oath of office Rep. Hare took in January of 2007 AND 2009:

I, NAME, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

It seems that Phil Hare is one of those domestic enemies.  At least local lefty Mike Pretl makes a pretense of adhering to the Constitution in claiming that ObamaCare is a good thing.

from Delmarva Dealings


  1. Overheard later that night during a meeting between Rep. Phil Hare and the Democratic leadership:

    "Phil, Phil! That's the way we operate, but you aren't supposed to tell people that! What's wrong with you?"

  2. This guy needs to go...He doesn't CARE ABOUT THE CONSTITUTION? SO, just trample on it and contort it to the way he or she wants to fit their agenda, WT*???? The signers of the Constitution are rolling over in their graves! Why in the hell do we have individuals like this AND our "President" who are dead set on destroying this Country in Office?

  3. It is obvious that we have elected ignorant people , just one of many!

  4. News if a democrat says it but not news if a republican president acts like it for 8 years. Got it.

  5. So all these people are telling me that they care more about our Constitution that was signed hundreds of years ago in different times then we are in today than thousands of people dying. I mean if breaking our Constitution means saving peoples lives than I am all for it.

  6. 9:55 Alex you are an ass. If you don't like the constitution then try to chane it You know that would never work so you and your socialist party just try to go around it. Many of us still believe in the constitution. It has made us the most prosperous country on the face of the earth.
    People die. And under obamacare a lot more will die. Dumbrocrat leaders including Osama Obama(Ted Kennedy's name for your leader) said a lot of procedures will be cut for the elderly.(Remember Obama said they will have to take a pain pill) So that means the elderly will die sooner and live in pain, but I guess thats OK with you and your fellow socialists.

  7. Another reason why these asswipes should be put on a slowly sinking boat and sent out to sea without a paddle. What sort of constituency would elect a total dumbass like this?

    Can you tell I'm pissed?

  8. Anonymous said...

    News if a democrat says it but not news if a republican president acts like it for 8 years. Got it.

    9:53 AM

    You people were all over President Bush's military record. A man that served his country and upheld the constitution. Now you idiots want to do away with the constitution and the declaration of independence.

    I believe this country in really in for a civil war and it may get here sooner than you think.

  9. The U.S. Constitution is being SYSTEMATICALLY dismantled along with the ever important Bill of Rights. BOTH POLITICAL PARTIES are responsible - so please stop acting like dumb 2 party idealogues and wake up! Both political parties are controlled by an international banking cartel (Zionist) and are establishing world government. Nothing is done accidentally.

    These elected officials are actors in a drama which is playing out on television for our mind-control amusement. We are being incrementally programmed to accept world government with ultra rich Jewish Leaders as our Masters.

    Religion is real. Politics is an illusion.

    Educate yourself.

  10. in the preamble - the constitution reads "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,....." And we elect people to represent us on the process of doing the above. Stopping health insurance companies from ruining people's lives is good step toward promoting the general welfare. All the guys and gals I voted for are doing that. And I'm glad. He's not worried about the constitution b/c it's the supreme court's job to make sure laws adhere to the constitution.

  11. and it's strikes me as odd that the people worried about the constitution b/c of health insurance reform seemed just fine with our government rounding people up, suspending habeas corpus, and torturing them. It's crazy.

  12. Somehow, I have a REAL PROBLEM equating terrorist attacks to a major socialistic takeover of our nation's health care industry.

    It never ceases to amaze me how the progressive elements in this country always seem to drag out the same old worn out commentary about the previous administration. Was the previous administration great? Heck, no.

    But has the present administration done anything to strengthen our nation's position in the grand scheme of things? Hell no!

  13. 10:55
    If that's the case then why doesn't the upper echelon take advantage of such great health care benefits? Hmmmm...y'know, I'm no College graduate but I'm no dummy. I can see through the smoke they're blowing. Too bad you can't. Stand in line, you'll be waiting a LONG time


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