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Monday, April 05, 2010

Salisbury Coach Thinks Sea Gulls Will Stay At DIII Level

Salisbury has been a dominant force in Division III lacrosse, winning eight national titles under head coach Rick Berkman, who is in his 21st season at the school.

Berkman is often asked if the Sea Gulls with move up to Division I, but he doesn't see that happening in the foreseeable future.

"I don't see us doing [that]. In fact, it's almost impossible to do it unless you do it like Hobart did," Berkman said. "In that situation, Hobart can't give scholarships and I think we can all say Hobart isn't the old Hobart. If you do that, you have to have tremendous commitment, which requires your other sports to go DI, or at least one of the women's sports to move up as well. I don't think we have the financial commitment from the school to move up."

Source: http://weblogs.baltimoresun.com/sports/lacrosse/blog/2010/04/_normal_0_false_false.html


  1. I think The Daily Times did a story about that or someone there wrote a column along the same lines a few years ago. I saw the blog entry at The Sun this morning, good stuff. Glad they are covering the program more.

  2. Rick Berkman?? You mean Jim?

  3. Hey Joe. Its Jim Berkman. Not Rick.

  4. It's Jim Berkman, not Rick.

    That's embarrassing, Joe. Oh, and I can't wait for Frank Guerrero's fight on April 16th!!

  5. It's Jim, not Rick.

    Check your sources, that's embarrassing.

  6. The article came from the Baltimore Sun, you pack of Idiots. Complain to them. Or hadn't you noticed the link at the bottom of the article. Grow up.

  7. from what i've heard div3 level lacrosse is better than div2. so moving to div2 wouldn't make sense.

    can we even move to div1? doesn't that ranking go off of the total school size etc?

  8. All of the above --

    The "Sunpaper" is giving the Daily Times a real race for the worst newspaper in Maryland!

  9. Stay D-3 please. It's a lot more competitive now -- too bad all those tough games this year were away (so far that is).

    In D-1 SU would be mediocre in most years, competitive (make the tournament) in some but would be unlikely to get to the final 4 in the tourney except every 10 years or so.

  10. Hobart is pertinent precedent -- when it was a Div. 3 school it was even more dominant that SU has been since Hobart went into Div. 1, where it is an also ran in most years -- only 1 winning season in the past 5 years and 2-6 so far this year.

    Div. 1. is "a whole different ball game".

  11. SU Lax better think twice about this. Hobart went to DI and is now coming back to DIII because they couldn't hang....


  12. Salisbury is not going D1, it costs too much money. Salisbury's athletic facilities are below average for even D3 schools. They put very little money into sports, which makes their success even more remarkable.

  13. I heard SUs going to make the announcement that they're moving up to div 1 this summer. They are also going to be building a new stadium. There's enough alumni support for everything to be built (they have alum that promised large donations if this happens). The main holdup in moving up has been the president of the university wanting SU to be known for academics, not sports. As long as nothing comes up, I look forward to having a Div 1 school in the area in the not too distant future.

  14. I remember Coach Andy Jones. I believe he was a winnig coach. What happened to Andy Jones, and who were Salisburys other LAX coaches?

  15. I still don't believe they will move up to D1. They would have to move all the sports to D1 and that isn't going to happen. If only lax goes D1, then they can't offer scholarships and who wants to play D1 with no scholarship. The players come to SU now to win a National Championship in D3. That won't be the case if they go D1, they won't have the talent.

  16. "The main holdup in moving up has been the president of the university wanting SU to be known for academics, not sports."

    Yea, sure. Is that why she abandoned the SATs for admission?

    What she is REALLY concerned about, aside from paying someone full time to guard her parking space so she doesn't need to walk an extra 100 feet, is growth and expansion. That equals more pay, more perks, and more stuff for El Presidente.


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