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Thursday, April 01, 2010

N.Y. Times Columnist: Death Panels Will Save 'A Lot Of Money'

Paul Krugman tells 'Roundtable' economists agree it's 'going to be major'

Left-leaning New York Times economic columnist Paul Krugman says the so-called "death panels" established by President Obama's trillion-dollar nationalized health-care plan will end up saving "a lot of money" for the government.

The comments from Krugman, who also writes on the New York Times blogs, came during a discussion of "Obamacare" on the ABC News Sunday program "This Week."

GO HERE to read more.


  1. So much for the golden years ! We are working drones and when we get to old to be productive they eliminate us !

  2. always consider the source. krugman is without a doubt an empty suit; lights are on - nobody home; toothpick doesn't come out clean; elevator doesn't go to the top; you get the picture. i don't think many people read or really pay attention to what he spouts. as far as "death panels"; sarah palin warned us of this in the beginning of the debate. krugman just likes the idea... duh....

  3. There are no death panels.
    And Obama is not a secret muslim. And he is a U.S. citizen qualified to be president.
    You should be angry at George W. Bush for leaving the country in such poor shape after eight years in office, the first six with a Republican congress.
    Bush was the worst president of my lifetime.


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