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Monday, April 26, 2010

Nightly News At 6 PM


  1. joe, it was more than my pleasure to help out this weekend with brody, it was an honor. to meet such a great family who have gone through so much and still smile! wow! brad, casie, brody and cindy, you guys are truly great people and im honored to have met all of you! you always know im here for you joe, anytime i can lend a hand just let me know!

    eric the barber

  2. I understand that my daughter received a few phone calls that asked why WE would let Brody be used as a way for Joe to promote himself and his website. Let me set the record straight! If ANYONE took advantage of anyone, it is ME, the Grandma. I took a chance and it worked. I MYSELF took advantage of Joe's site and if you want to take it further, I guess I took advantage of Eric too! I would do anything to help my grandchild so if you don't like it, then blame me! I honestly believe it was done out of the goodness of their hearts.
    Cindy W.

  3. Former K&L EmployeeApril 26, 2010 at 8:45 PM

    Cindy, they just don't know who they are messing with LOL. Maybe they should have a talk with Dick Bernstein he'd tell them a thing or two about messing with you. :)

    Ignore those people they are miserable people that do nothing for no one other than try to stir the pot against Joe. Joe has his moments when you could just ring his neck and then he has his moments where you only want to hug his neck.

    Leave those miserable bastards to hang out to dry. Misery loves company that's why they all hang out together on that other blog.

    Keep on fighting gal. Dynamite comes in small packages.


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