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Tuesday, April 06, 2010

GOP Chairman Michael Steele Still In The Spotlight

Michael Steele found himself back in the spotlight Monday after linking criticism of his work to his race.

The White House played a role, too.

Steele earned headlines after stating that black political leaders, such as President Barack Obama and himself, are unfairly held to a higher standard because of their race.

The White House quickly responded to the comments, ensuring the latest Steele story stayed alive.

Steele started the back-and-forth early Monday morning, in an interview on ABC’s “Good Morning America.”

“The honest answer is, yes,” Steele said in response to a question about whether he has a slimmer margin for error than past GOP chairmen because of his race.

“Barack Obama has a slimmer margin. A lot of folks do,” Steele said.

Steele’s remarks came a day after Republicans in the House and Senate used the Sunday talk shows to put pressure on the Republican National Committee chairman over RNC spending, which critics of Steele complain has become lavish.

Democrats have reveled in the Steele story, and the White House quickly responded to his remarks on Monday.

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs called Steele’s remark “silly.”

“I think Michael Steele’s problem isn’t the race card, it’s the credit card,” Gibbs added.

Deputy Press Secretary Bill Burton immediately put Gibbs’s jab on Twitter, where it was picked up by media across the country.

More from The Hill


  1. Steele needs to go. He is more worried about himself and race than taking back Congress. If you want a change from the "spend like the Democrats" Republicans, send your money and support to the candidates directly. Forget the RNC until they fully embrace the Tea Party movement.

  2. I met Mr. Steele some years ago when he was the Lt. Governor of MD and he seemed genuine and nice. I really liked him. Now he is going to pull the race card! WTF! When are people just going to leave it alone.


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