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Saturday, April 24, 2010

6-Year-Old Injured In Golf Cart Accident

Location: Private residence along the unit block of Sand Hill Road in Georgetown, Delaware

Date of Occurrence: Saturday, April 24, 2010, at 11:36 a.m.

Resume: At 11:36 a.m. today, Troopers and emergency personnel were called to a private residence along the unit block of Sand Hill Road in Georgetown, Delaware.

The location where this incident occurred is comprised of several acres. A 10-year-old girl who lives at this location was operating the family’s golf cart on the property. The girls little brother, a 6-year-old boy, was sitting on the back of the cart.

The girl accidentally ran into a tree with the cart and the little boy was thrown forward striking his head. He was seriously injured and was flown from the scene by State Police Helicopter to A.I. DuPont Hospital. He was last listed in critical but stable condition.

This incident remains under investigation. An updated news release will only be provided should the condition of the child change.


  1. And where were the parents??

  2. So is that the best you could come up with to try and get something started 5:56,accidents happen sometimes you know,you automaticly want to blame the parents for an accident,why dont you just shut your mouth and go check on YOUR kids and make sure they arent out selling drugs or something!

  3. Accidents DO happen but I dont know if golf carts are appropriate for such young children.ALOT of kids in my rural area have them and sometimes they actually operate them on public roadways,further increasing their risks of an accident.I hope the little boy is alright.

  4. Praying for this family. A hard lesson for them to have to learn. People make mistakes and accidents do happen.

  5. I guess this means government golf cart regulations. This is the kind of stuff they they love-another excuse to regulate something else. Just wait and see-it will happen.

  6. This statement is not correct. I am the 10 year old girl and I had nothing to do with this accident. When I stepped off the golf cart he jumped up front and drove into the tree. He is fine.


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