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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Toyota Safety Probe Taps Rocket Scientists

WASHINGTON/TOKYO (Reuters) – U.S. auto safety regulators said on Tuesday they will tap the expertise of the country's top space and aeronautics experts to analyze Toyota Motor Corp's electronic throttles to see if they are behind the reports of unintended acceleration that have hounded the automaker.

The news that NASA scientists will join the probe came as Toyota, reeling from a recall crisis sparked by the acceleration reports, launched a task force aimed at regaining consumer trust and pledged to give its regional operations more clout to speed up decisions on quality issues.

"We are determined to get to the bottom of unintended acceleration," U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said in an interview with Reuters.

The Transportation Department's National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is just beginning its review of Toyota's electronic throttles, which have come under heightened scrutiny following the recall of millions of Toyota and Lexus vehicles over the past six months for unintended acceleration.

GO HERE to read more.


  1. They should really call the "Mythbusters." Then we could all see it on TV and not fall asleep.

  2. I understand that this comment is speculation, but has anyone ever considered this "problem" was fabricated because Japan is considering the closing U.S military bases in their country. And being that Toyota is one of the largest companies Japan, this "problem" is causing a lot of grief for the country, I believe, once the base deal is ironed out, this "problem" will cease to exist, but hey thats just me.

  3. i saw this same report on the news last night. I would like to know if our tax dollars are being re-imbursed by Toyota...the reports dont speak of that. Does anyone know?


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