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Monday, March 29, 2010

Today's Survey Question

Do You Enjoy Hip Hop Music?


  1. Yes! And root canals also!

  2. When we were breakdancing in the 80's ole School,I enjoyed it. But this Hot mess today I am not understanding. "Have a baby by me and be a millionaire" uh No thanks.

  3. Absolutely not!!!

  4. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. NO its to negative

  6. Especially when it rattles the doors off my car. NOT

  7. Duh, it is beyond me, how the same ethnic culture that gave us gospel, jazz, and the blues could then offer up rap and hip hop.

  8. No , it is not considered music in my book. It is trash and BS.

  9. It's part of the prison culture like the baggy pants hanging down with butt hanging out . I wonder if they know that walking around in prison wearing baggy pants with your butt hanging out means you are a gay prostitute .

  10. Yes I enjoy hip hop. And to you negative nancy's out there, hip hop is a lot different than rap music. But I am sure you would not know that.

  11. 10:38 am,
    The question is; Do you enjoy Hip Hop Music? It didn't ask whether or not we have the right to listen to it. I hate hip hop music.

  12. this is very true and I would have to say that it is not a question of being aloud. But although you hate it, should someone be aloud to sterotype based on "blacks"

  13. Also,

    Listen to what your are saying people making decisions, not songs, tv shows etc. I can name lawyers, doctors and real estate agents who listen to hip hop. They dress normal act normal just use that as their choice of music

  14. It is really hit and miss with me. There are some songs I love and others I loathe. For the most part, I hate the personalities in rap/hip hop. Many of them portray themselves as being "from the ghetto" and some are- but almost none of them have humility about their success. They tend to act like immature children (See: Kanye West at the awards ceremony). But there are some good guys in the genre. Rev Run comes to mind.

  15. Tiz the season for dis rap


    The greatest of all time.

  17. 11:30 wrote: "should someone be aloud "

    Too funny! Yep, they are too LOUD!

  18. No.
    I believe hip hop music to be an oxymoron.
    I also think that Hip Hop is as sophisticated as those that listen to it.

  19. I agree with 9:46. When I was growing up, "hip hop" was Whodini,Run DMC,Sugar Hill Gang, Doug E Fresh,Slick Rick,etc,etc.Guys with REAL talent that made stuff with a beat you could dance to.This gangsta rap-crap that is accepted as "hip hop" nowadays is just vulgar shouting over top of beats that are sampled from other artists.

  20. If you break it down rappers and country artists are basically usually talking about them same things. Women, where they are from, their vehicles, and their clothing. It is just a matter of taste. And I choose both.

  21. As much as I love country music...

  22. I love all kinds of music.

  23. I am slowly starting to lose interest in Hip-Hop and R&B. See I've always been musically talented. I can rap well and not about cars, clothes, drugs, money and even without cursing, because of my vocabulary. Lately though I have been reading into Hip-Hop and what I have found out is very disturbing. If you have time I urge you to go to youtube and type in G. Craige Lewis. Be amazed!!! I really want all my people who are "in love" with Hip-Hop to see. I believe this is the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMGhLjlzI58. Once you see this (and belive me there is more) you will understand why it is so addictive,why it is more successful than other genre's, why they talk about the things they talk about, and why only certain people will become famous. Check It Out. Not for me but for yourselves and the youth. Peace.

  24. No it's for losers !

  25. A little perspective:

    The "gangsta-prison-baggy clothes" culture that infuses rap these started took off when white kids started buying rap in mass. Before that artists were actually rapping about real issues while also giving you something to dance to.

  26. i listen to it only when i take target practice with my 7.62

  27. i do enjoy it and i do not think that what music you choose to listen to is a reflection of who you are

  28. You call that noise music?

  29. You can't spell CRAP without RAP. 'Nuff said.


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