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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Steele Takes Fire For RNC Sex Club, High-End Expenses

The Republican National Committee spent $1,946 last month at a sex-themed Hollywood club that features topless dancers and bondage outfits. Now the GOP wants its money back.

Listed in a monthly financial report, the amount is itemized as expenses for meals at Voyeur West Hollywood.

RNC spokesman Doug Heye said Monday the committee doesn't know the details of how the money was spent, all who may have attended or the nature of the outing, except to say it was an unauthorized event and that the expenditure was inappropriate.

The RNC will be reimbursed by Erik Brown of Orange, Calif., the donor-vendor who billed the committee for the club visit, Heye said.

Brown did not respond to an e-mail and phone message seeking comment.

Since November, the RNC has paid Brown's company, Dynamic Marketing Inc., about $19,000 for printing and direct-mail services, campaign spending reports show. He has contributed several thousand dollars to the party.

The most recent financial disclosure report said the RNC spent more than $17,000 for private planes in February and nearly $13,000 for car services. Heye said such services are used only when needed.

The $1,946 for meals at Voyeur West Hollywood was the most eye-catching item in the monthly report. RNC Chairman Michael Steele, whose spending decisions have angered some donors in this midterm election year, had nothing to do with the nightclub expenditure, Heye said.

The conservative group Concerned Women for America said the RNC should disclose more about the episode.

Much of the most lavish spending by the major political parties is associated with fundraisers, which often target wealthy people.

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  1. Less then 2000 bucks spent not much to be pissed about they got there money back sounds more like the Hollywood club tried to charge for services not rendered . When will Republicans learn don't party in a liberal state , It's always a set up !

  2. Was Bobby ("the mouth") Baumann there?

  3. Hello to Mark Sanford!

  4. Was Barney Frank one of the ladies dressed up in leather?

  5. Jamie James rides again.

  6. 9:22-

    Do you mean the former 1st CD representative Bobby "Hot Lips" Baumann? Last I heard he was a member in ggod standing of the gay community in San Francisco.


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