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Sunday, March 21, 2010


You had to see it to believe it, and if you had watched the Maryland PBS program “State Circle” recently you would have.

In a report on the annual feeding frenzy in the General Assembly for special State funding of local pet projects, Sen. Colburn was one of the members interviewed about the concept of funding pork during a period of fiscal crisis in the State’s budget.

The report opened with Norm Conway (known in the Statehouse as “the king of pork”) shilling for special state funding for the Salisbury Zoo. Who can forget that Conway once hauled in several hundred thousand of State dollars for kitchen equipment for the “boy scout camp” that the Rotary Club built in masonry and concrete on Riverside Drive near Shad Point.

After several other legislators spoke about how special funding was appropriate for local groups or projects in their district, Rich Colburn appeared. I felt that he was going to blast the spending on local goodies in the current economic climate. Boy, was I ever wrong.

Instead, Colburn admitted the he was one of the hogs at the public trough and tried to explain why in his normal convoluted language. Apparently, it’s OK for Rich – the quintessential opponent of government spending – to request and get pork for his district because everyone else in the General Assembly is doing likewise.

That’s like telling the trooper who stops you for speeding that you shouldn’t be penalized because everyone speeds. And Rich said it with a grin that made you think of the kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Make that both hands.


  1. The problem with our politicians, for either side, is that if you don't request money for local prodjects, the money will go somewhere else. If the good Senator would not request money, that doesn't mean that the government will spend less, it will just go to another district.

    Our system is fundamentaly flawed. When you ask for money for your budget, you had better spend at least what you ask for if not more, otherwise you will be cut the following year. This kind of thinking is what drives us to spend more than we can afford.

    How do we fix this? It would take every person in government at all levels to become fiscally conservitive and I don't see this happening anytime soon. God Bless our country!

  2. Continuing the theme of today... Let's impeach him.

  3. Start by setting a good example and don't request the money. If it goes somewhere else so what. Work to change this process of handing out this money and live only within the budget.

  4. Unfortunately, my respect for Colburn has waned as the years have passed to the point now I can't tolerate him. A few years ago, as a supporter, I would have defended him to the end but not now. He needs to be replaced by almost anyone who is willing to put their name on the ballot.

  5. Congrats Rich. I had heard years ago that you had an eye for the younger ladies, now we get to add pork monger to your Curriculim Vitae. Well done...Jerk!


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