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Wednesday, March 31, 2010


In the past several days, the Daily Times has run both an editorial and an article trumpeting the proposed new library facility that the library board wants to build on the edge of Salisbury, for which it wants approval by the County and (of course) a commitment for future funding for a $31 Million building that has all the ambiance of a dealership in southern California. It’s long past the time that Rick Pollitt should tell them that this is not the time to be buying land or asking for any funding for a new library to replace the facility in downtown Salisbury, and suggest that the board make plans to do appropriate repair and maintenance of the existing library facilities and, if funding can be found, to open branch facilities in the Fruitland area and on the west side of the County.

Mr. Pollitt: your silence is deafening! You seem to lack the stones to “just say no” to inappropriate spending, so I’m beginning to wonder if you should be reelected


  1. Compare Wicomico's Library programs with neighboring Worcester and even Somerset Counties--each have excellent programs for the public at their libraries and far exceed Wicomico's offerings. Forget the bricks and mortar and concentrate on what should be offered to the public by way of library programs.

  2. the design that was release in the paper is a HUGE waste of money. similar to bennett middle. if the library needs more space there is a empty fire station right across the street.

  3. The library administration seems to display a "we can't" attitude as opposed to a "let's do it attitude". For some reason they are stuck on new building.

    I as a taxpayer see where this so called free money is going to cost me thousands of dollars. I would rather see this money spent on the school system. After all if we don't have people who can read what use is the library?

    If the internet is the only problem, it seems like a no brainer. The City wants to keep the library in the City so rent them the old fire station for a dollar. Set up an internet service center there.

    As far as people having to cross the street for the rest of the services, this area (I'm a born here by the way) needs to learn the meaning of a crosswalk.

    Otherwise the area of Fruitland should be the next area to get a library location. All of the other outlying areas of the county have a branch and Fruitland is showing the most potential.

    Moma M

  4. After that land deal out near Hebron last year and the parking lot for $300,000 per acre at the Civic Center, if Pollitt signs on to this boondoogle it could cost him his job in the election this fall.

  5. As Joe Holloway has said, since they can't fully operate what they have now, why should tax money be spent to have a larger facility?

  6. we need to fix and upgrade our counties infrastructure and Ricky can only talk about spending money on non-essentials. what is wrong with this character? he truly doesn't get it. please someone step up to the plate and get him out of there. and to all who come to this blog; stop complaining if you're not going to work to get a conservative in his place. and if you really want change be willing to make a change.......

  7. This is the problem with america, we live beyond our means.
    I go to the library to get a book or information, not to see how fancy the building is.

  8. 12:51,
    and a place were the homeless can hang out during the day.

  9. I tell you what the library needs-some new books. Have you seen the selection? It's disgraceful! The building is fine. I remember the old library and I just turned 40. The building is not that old. We do not need to spend this kind of money in this economy. We have schools older than the library.

  10. $31 million during a recession? The money's just not there. So why is the library administration trying to ram the purchase of the land down everyone's throat in order to get a drop in the bucket grant? There's more here than meets the eye.

  11. You've already made up your mind. You don't want Rick reelected.


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