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Friday, March 05, 2010

Nightly News At 6 PM


  1. I'm moving to Delaware.

  2. Maryland is chasing everybody out of the state.

  3. not to mention how great the schools are there i have lived in salisbury just as much as i have lived in delmar,de. and delmar,md. the truth is delmar is a much better place to live,nice people etc. all delmar needs is some more fine dining and more fast food options and it would be just like salisbury used to be b4 all the bs came to salisbury

  4. Joe. . .move over, I hope to relocate to the Diamond State also.

    Now about your prediction - Delmar, DE.

    You know Chesapeake Virginia was considered to be on the outskirts of Virginia Beach, Hampton, and Norfolk. Well Virginia Beach - similar to Salisbury analogy - imposed impact fees and drove most of the citizenry to what is now Chesapeake.

    And I predict also that Delmar will blossom as more Marylanders start to exodus also. It has already started - case in point - look at what has been recently built.

  5. Great show joe! I'm really enjoying watching these each night!


    What's with the camera shaking? Is it the camera moving or it can't keep up with movement Which camera are you using?

  6. Salisbury doesn't need any more residential crap. We have a glut now. When Sussex is all casino'd up and crowded to the gills, it'll make us look good again here, LOL!

    (P.S. People got the hell out of VA Beach etc. because it was a crime hell hole. That's why people are leaving here.)

  7. Look and compare Salis./Va.Beach. You got the the same minory mix as Salis. and its gonna go to hell.

  8. Come on Joe don't be shy say what you mean. Good Job!

  9. Thank god some media around here has a sense of humor instead of being dry popcorn.

    After all, Humor is one of the virtues.

    Your blog statistics prove that people want to read the "real" news and well as the blend of happy-funny-animal things that you post. You are definitely not boring and you keep us coming back.

    "Change" can be real scary for alot of people.

    Thank you Joe for moving(not cutting) the cheese.


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