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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Kratovil's Position???

Dear Joe,

"Finally was able to speak with Congressman Kratovil's D.C. office. They claim he will vote NO on Senate version of HealthCare, however he has no comment/position on the Slaughter Deem & Pass trickery since he has not seen that language!

Yesterday, Mike at the Centerville office stated Kratovil would vote No on Senate bill AND Slaughter rule.

You will enjoy this... Katrina in Salisbury has no info on Kratovil's possition on Senate Health care bill. Has not received any statement from him.

In addition, she had no idea of Slaughter rule or Deem & Pass. She told me she was watching CNN. Wish I had suggested she tune in FOX."


  1. LMAO @ telling her to watch Fox News.

    What a joke email.

  2. My call to the Salisbury Office Of Kratovil was unanswered, so I called the Centreville office and the Gentleman told me this morning that no decision had been made but that the Congressman had voted no in the past, he suggested a no vote this time but no solid statment.
    I plan to call again!

  3. Just heard the House passed the Slaughter Rule... Kratovil must have been speedreading the Salughter rule in order to vote today!

    If Kratovil supported the Slaughter Rule, he WILL Vote YES on this Senate Bill.

  4. I just talked to a guy in the dc office. He stated that Kratovil is "not in favor of the current legislation" and when I asked him about the congressman's position on the deem and pass issue he read a prepared statement along the lines that the congressman is in favor of a transparent and open process...obviously a cop out answer. It is clear that Kratovil is in favor of this bill passing via deeming.

  5. Haha, I think you right wingers are getting scared. You don't have power anymore and it's killing you.

  6. Scared. Not at all because if these fools vote this bill thru, the American public will turn them out in November and install Conservatives in their place. How do you like that prospect 3:28??

    Who's scared now?

  7. Kratovil voted with the republicans against the Slaughter Rule

  8. I googled slaughter rule and there was a post from Michelle Malkin with a list of Dems that voted with the repubs

  9. WOW, if he did vote against all this crap......I'd love to shake his hand

  10. If Kratovil votes no to this he will be out- We voted him in to be to voice of the people not the profiteers of the medical & ins. fields

  11. So Pelosi knew she had enough votes and gave him a pass on this one hoping to save his ass in the November election. Not going to happen.

  12. Kratovil is a disgusting, self-serving traitor to his party.

    He is history!


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