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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Jennifer Foxwell's Message

This is a screen shot of the actual Facebook message I received yesterday from Jennifer Foxwell. I have received messages questioning whether or not the information I posted yesterday was actually from Jennifer. This should clarify that it is.


  1. I await and pray for the day we look back on child molestation and sex offense as a time when our society allowed such hideous and heinous acts and did something about it, just as we look back now on a time when slavery, as hideous and heinous as it was, was allowed...

    as for the parents putting these children in these situations they too are hideous and heinous.

  2. hope you have yourself covered

  3. This so-called "mother" seriously needs some psychiatric help. Her behavior is becoming more erratic all the time. Wow! Maybe it's HER guilty conscience in knowing she has done wrong by all of her kids and poor little Sarah is the one that paid the ultimate price for her "mother's" inability to do anything more than reproduce and NOT parent. As someone who's struggled with infertility for 18 years, it disgusts me to see that women take that honor so lightly and throw their kids away like Jennifer has hers. She should have all of her parental rights terminated immediately and this type of behavior should only solidify that she continues to be an unfit "mother".

  4. For the children without a voice...
    Are we creating laws that will protect every single child or laws that protect the children of responsible parents...The child molesters and parents that put children in these situations need to put away. The laws working now are great for responsible parents, the ones that will look at the registry and keep there kids away from the monsters. Life time monitoring and the registry... here are the cases this wont work. There are parents who will believe child molesters will change and re expose there children to these horrible people, it happens more than people know. There are parents who do not believe their own children when told they have been offended. There are parents who will turn a blind eye. There are parents who will take there children to child molesters in exchange for money. These things happen ALL the time, right here on the Eastern Shore as well. When an offender can not find an ideal cirumstance to molest a child they will then get desperate and abduct and have there way with a child like Sarah Foxwell. So tell me what laws are being created that will put these people away and protect the children that need it most. The ones without a voice, the ones being turned over again and again, by the people who are supposed to be protecting and loving them, to dangerous, traumatizing turmoil and chaos. Are we creating laws that protect ALL children?

  5. Seven children by five different men?! This woman has the morals of an alley cat! Actually, I think that's an insult to the cat! 'Nuf said.

  6. Where are the daddys, that has something to do with this society we find ourselves with these days to.

  7. You only feel quilt if you have a conscience.

  8. What happens to children growing up in these chaotic enviroments, their minds become warped (not by choice), alot of them become prostitutes, strippers, teenage parents (repeating the same cycle they are so accustomed to), drug addicts and criminals... They are not able to control what they do, many stay under the influence of harmful parents because they do not know another way. They are raised with lies and manipulation making it impossible for them to even know what the truth about their own circumstance has been or will be.

  9. To those individuals who have asked me to leave it alone. Might I suggest you look at the history of Jennifer Foxwell and her Mother. They have been ragging on me on Facebook and other Blogs stating lies and calling me a worse monster than Thomas Leggs. I have been dealing with their BS for far too many months now and because they keep saying LIES about me, I chose to expose the TRUTH.

    Now, if YOU have a problem with that, don't come back here and follow what Tom McGuire is asking others to do on Facebook.

  10. It is a crazy cycle needing to be BROKEN, bad parenting creates bad parenting and so on. Just move on, is that what Sarah wants? Or does she want us to take this tragedy and have it inspire us to keep on fighting against what happened to her and for others? Yes children love their parents, but loving their parents or not, there are children who desperatly want to be removed from the horrible situations they are living. I do believe God is the judge of us all, not judging Jennifer, no one but her and God know exactly what she has been through to have brought her to the place she is . Just stating facts of how things are for children all around us and until it is faced can not be dealt with.

  11. cas...
    Blah, blah, blah...You so need to get over yourself. All kids do not 'always' love their parents "unconditionally" especially when they are abused, mistreated and thrown away like yesterday's trash by those parents. They love those that take care of them, protect them, nurture them and love them and that's not always their parents. I am one of those thrown away kids and sadly this situation is like deja vu for me and my siblings. Nothing has changed with the way the state handles kids in these situations, and honestly DSS and the state does bear some responsibility in Sarah's tragic death. No matter how you look at it, Jennifer IS unstable and unfit...we don't need a judge or God to tell us that, she's doing that for us.

  12. She is more than likely a whacko, but I would submit to you that this substance of child molestation has Jonathan Taylor's finger prints all over it. I am confident that is the root of the problem.

  13. Joe any one asking you to leave alone... Just wanting another cover up. Thank you for not leaving this alone, for not moving on...

  14. jenna... that is not true. i come from a family where there are alcoholics and druggies and crazy people that paint thier houses...and those are just my siblings. we were all raised the same. i have kids of my own a husband nice house i work and pay for my things...i KNOW right from wrong I make MY OWN choices...i dont sit back and do bad things and blame in on my child hood parents or siblings....every one is accountable for them selves...if you are a person that cant get on your own two feet...its your own d*mn fault. get off your lazy butt and make your own correct choices. "oh feel sorry for me cause my parents didnt teach me better..."bull...

  15. 11:28 I'll tell you where they are - they are in jail, home watching "reality shows", hanging on the corner with their "hommies", working manual labor for just long enough to get some "party money", or "babysitting" while their latest flames supports the noaccount azzes. That's where they are.

  16. 11:28 - Unfortunately, we have created a society where "daddys" are not needed, and even discouraged in some cases. The government will help raise the kid, take income from and alienate the dad and make his visitation difficult, if not impossible. The glorification of single-parent homes and out-of-wedlock births has caused great damage to our society and to our children.

  17. DSS is often manipulated by the parents, or they have a text book knowledge of how to deal with cases... there are cases when children ask them for help do not get it and when they become bad parents DSS is knocking on their door and blasting them. There are also foster homes abusing children. And for many foster parents and DSS workers it is just a paycheck. Alot of them will not listen to people who have been through these situations who want to offer their insight to help change things, because they feel they are above them, smarter because they were raised better and have better education. There are DSS workers wanting to help but often there hands are tied, then end up out of the field because they can not stand the frustration and heartache.

  18. Cas you know nothing about me. I did not say this happens to everyone. I'm speaking for those I know. You speak for your self and the people you know.I will do the same. You might consider being grateful and fortunate you were able to break a cycle and pray for others who are not.

  19. Your children and grand babies are the most precious gift you will ever have. Thats all life is about. Thats it.

  20. Cas you said yourself God is our judge and I find it very interesting you know nothing about me and decided I may be a person not on my own two feet, not able to make decisions and lazy... Very Interesting.

  21. Amen 12:05. Thank you for that!

  22. She needs to learn better punctuation. There's got to be atleast a hundred commas in that message!

    My question for you Joe is: How does she know the size of your balls?? LOL is there something you're not telling us?!

    She's such an IDIOT!

  23. Anonymous said...

    11:28 I'll tell you where they are - they are in jail, home watching "reality shows", hanging on the corner with their "hommies", working manual labor for just long enough to get some "party money", or "babysitting" while their latest flames supports the noaccount azzes. That's where they are.

    12:02 PM

    So this fine upstanding citizen doesn't discriminate when it comes to breeding?

  24. Can you tell us....why is she your facebook friend anyway? Inquiring minds would like to know....

  25. Anonymous 12:23 -- Thanks for the laugh, I needed that more then you know !!!

  26. If there were more STRONG father figures in the home with children nowadays they would be better off.

  27. anonymous 12:38, you know, that's a great question. While I'll be the first to admit, I really don't know much about Facebook but I can tellyou not that long ago she, (Jennifer Foxwell) sent me a request to be a friend of mine of Facebook and I rejected her.

    My guess is that anyone can send you a message, (like she did) on Facebook, just like e-mail. You're welcome to look on my Facebook page and see if she's there. I know for a fact I rejected her though.

  28. You're all confusing parenting, laziness, etc., with LACK OF CLASS.
    Clearly...CLEARLY Jennifer Foxwell wouldn't know class if it bit her on her butt. The mere fact that she's willing to fight someone with their own blog says she's not too smart. Move on everybody,while you're squabbling with this low life there are people trying to build an expensive new library with your money.

  29. on facebook you do not have to be friends to send message. what other blogs are they bashing you on, because i read all of them, and i really dont remember a whole lot except for letter from grandmother. and it looks like you posted this video on you tube before you got message from Jennifer. everyone really needs to leave the family alone, so they are not perfect, who is?

  30. Thanks for the reply! I am fairly new to Facebook myself and I did forget that anyone on Facebook can send you messages....unless it is in your settings that only "friends" can send you messages, then it would be blocked. Thanks for clearing that up! :-)

  31. You can send an email to anyone on facebook. They do not have to be your friend. Definitely crackhead teeth.

  32. Jennifer, do you just want attention because Frank helped you out and your oldest daughter and dont you think and all the kids he took in would of said something?? Jennifer grow up. he did not do anything to his kids or the kids he helped out. and Frank did all that stuff for you and this is how you repay him? i believe he bought you a van to go to work and i also believe he rented you a house and payed the rent because you wouldn't. all you want is attention and i think you have had enough of it

  33. jenna, im sorry...i reread my message...it wasnt directed at you! lol. i was just saying people in general..dont blame your parents if you make bad choices. Sorry about the misunderstanding.

  34. Sound like she is pissed that she broke her crack pipe. ho bag

  35. Like they say - just because you can have children doesn't mean you should have them. And there are plenty of people out there that have no business having kids or being around kids.

  36. Frank Albero is a good & decent man. Such accusations are ridiculous and considering the source, probably a reflection of what that troubled soul sees in the mirror.

  37. Billy Burke and Johnathan Taylor have been claiming all this time that your father was dead. Sounds like a good man to me Joe.

  38. Anonymous said...

    You can send an email to anyone on facebook. They do not have to be your friend. Definitely crackhead teeth.

    1:44 PM

    I checked out her pic and it appears she has some rotten teeth. I believe I would spend money on getting my teeth fixed before I would pay for the internet.

  39. What is this sex offense she is charged with??

    Go Back
    Case Information
    Case Number: 4H00025267Tracking No:011001871580
    Case Type: CRIMINAL
    District Code: 02Location Code:03
    Document Type: SUMMONSIssued Date:05/07/2002
    Case Status: CLOSEDCase Disposition:TRIAL
    Defendant Information
    Defendant Name: CUCE, ISA
    Sex: MHeight:500Weight:150DOB:05/15/1983
    Address: 306 SOUTH HAVEN AVENUE
    City: SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21804 - 0000
    Charge and Disposition Information
    (Each Charge is listed separately. The disposition is listed below the Charge)
    Charge No: 001Description:ASSAULT-SEC DEGREE
    Statute: CR.3.203Description:ASSAULT-SEC DEGREE
    Amended Date: CJIS Code:1 1415MO/PLL:Probable Cause:X
    Incident Date From: To: Victim Age:
    Plea: OTHER PLEA
    Disposition: STETDisposition Date:08/26/2002
    Fine:$0.00Court Costs:$0.00CICF:$0.00
    Amt Suspended: Fine:$0.00Court Costs:$0.00CICF:$0.00
    PBJ EndDate: Probation End Date:Restitution Amount:$0.00
    Jail Term: Yrs:Mos:Days:
    Suspended Term: Yrs:Mos:Days:
    Credit Time Served:
    Charge No: 002Description:SEX OFFENSE FOURTH DEGREE
    Statute: CR.3.308Description:SEX OFFENSE FOURTH DEGREE
    Amended Date: CJIS Code:4 3600MO/PLL:Probable Cause:X
    Incident Date From: To: Victim Age:
    Plea: OTHER PLEA
    Disposition: STETDisposition Date:08/26/2002
    Fine:$0.00Court Costs:$0.00CICF:$0.00
    Amt Suspended: Fine:$0.00Court Costs:$0.00CICF:$0.00
    PBJ EndDate: Probation End Date:Restitution Amount:$0.00
    Jail Term: Yrs:Mos:Days:
    Suspended Term: Yrs:Mos:Days:
    Credit Time Served:
    Charge No: 003Description:ASSAULT-SEC DEGREE
    Statute: CR.3.203Description:ASSAULT-SEC DEGREE
    Amended Date: CJIS Code:1 1415MO/PLL:Probable Cause:X
    Incident Date From: To: Victim Age:
    Plea: OTHER PLEA
    Disposition: STETDisposition Date:08/26/2002
    Fine:$0.00Court Costs:$0.00CICF:$0.00
    Amt Suspended: Fine:$0.00Court Costs:$0.00CICF:$0.00
    PBJ EndDate: Probation End Date:Restitution Amount:$0.00
    Jail Term: Yrs:Mos:Days:
    Suspended Term: Yrs:Mos:Days:
    Credit Time Served:
    Charge No: 004Description:SEX OFFENSE FOURTH DEGREE
    Statute: CR.3.308Description:SEX OFFENSE FOURTH DEGREE
    Amended Date: CJIS Code:4 3600MO/PLL:Probable Cause:X
    Incident Date From: To: Victim Age:
    Plea: OTHER PLEA
    Disposition: STETDisposition Date:08/26/2002
    Fine:$0.00Court Costs:$0.00CICF:$0.00
    Amt Suspended: Fine:$0.00Court Costs:$0.00CICF:$0.00
    PBJ EndDate: Probation End Date:Restitution Amount:$0.00
    Jail Term: Yrs:Mos:Days:
    Suspended Term: Yrs:Mos:Days:
    Credit Time Served:
    Related Person Information
    (Each Person related to the case other than the Defendant is shown)
    Name:COX, STEVEN D
    Address: 105 WEST MAIN ST

    City: SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21801 - 0000
    Event History Information
    Event Date Comment
    SUMI 05/07/2002 SUM ISSUED 020507 AGENCY:ZV 2201
    SUMS 05/20/2002 SUM SERVED 020516;ZV 2201;W253

    The complete case file must be obtained from the District Court in which the case was last heard.

  40. I heard through an insider that Jennifer is really pissed off that someone else was in the spotlight in Annapolis recently when they passed the sex offender bill.

    For a mother who's daughter was recently murdered you would think she would have been on top of things and present when all of this was going on.

    She doesn't care. She just wants the attention. After reading her message to you Joe I can clearly see why the children were taken away. Thanks for letting us know who she really is. She'll know who I am the next time I see her because I'll be the guy giving her a very nasty look.

  41. People - no matter who the parents of this poor girl were - she didn't deserve to die! Child molesters must be stopped at all costs - no matter what!

  42. anonymous 4:14, no one ever claimed they shouldn't.

  43. The entire family is disgusting and the children need to be taken away. The aunt has learned nothing from her mistakes either. She is currently dating a man with a criminal record. Jennifer does want attention. When Troy Krause and Rusty Marine were murdered by a repeat sex offender in Salisbury back in 1977, I never saw their mothers doing interviews on the news. They took care of their children and they didn't date sex offenders!!!

  44. We dont need that. Why would you make up a lie and say she did that? You have proven to be truthful before. NOT HER!

  45. Anonymous 3:36 The vote was open to the public. No stopped her from going. Why would she be pissed if someone tried to help. She is a mental BIOTCH!!!

  46. This is not the first time Jennifer has accused someone of this behaivor. In fact I know of at least three times in the past,and look what happen to Haleybug. Jennifer you will answer to God one day. May HE have mercy on your soul.

  47. What looks back at you? You!

  48. For all eternity.

  49. Mirror dont lie.

  50. What are and have been my priorities? You reach a certain age of responsibility and everything else where you are not why you do things anymore. Some people see it as a burden(spl) I see it as a gift.

  51. Jennifer you are a STUPID COLD HEARTED BIOTCH ,you do not deserve puppies let alone childern. You must not have a LIFE if all you can do is talk about others and accuse them of things that you have been charged for yourself- dumb ass.I saw you criminal record WOW !

  52. If that aint code nothin is.

  53. This has turned so ugly. Why cant we question and receive informatiom on the Aunt Amy that was being paid by the state of Maryland to take care of these children? Why does she still have the other siblings when everyone knows she was out partying and Haleybug was left alone. Yeah Yeah we know the grandfather is saying he was there "babysitting" well howcome he let that nogood in to get the children and not know it? and why didnt anyone know she was missing until l0:30 next day. Although no doubt Jennifer had nothing to do with keeping those children because they were taken from her or worse she gave them UP. We need answers on why Amy is still getting her checks and still has the other siblings of haleybug. Who cares about Jennifer or her pain she claims? How could she go to sleep at night without her children? No doubt she has no right to be called a mother so forget her. She deserves no pity, nothing. Now lets work to get those children away from the worthless aunt that didnt do her "{job". Joe, let Jennifer have it with both barrels..she deserves to be in jail anyway. Is this what my father told me to stay away from Po White Trash?

  54. Joe please enlarge the type on this message so we can see how trashy Jennifer is without a doubt? Who really cares what she says about you, Im certain you dont why you swat bugs that pitch on you dont you especially those we fear had pitched previously on some poophouse??? Go after her Joe..

  55. Jennifer, you f***ed up whore! I'm pissed because I work my ass off, have a side job, and you have all these illegitimate kids by all these different men. They in turn will breed more bastard kids who will rely on the "system" and the whole lot will be a burden on society, which taxpayers like me will have to pay for. Put some duck tape on your snatch, sober up, and take charge of your damned life!

  56. anon:4:33

    first of all the aunt had NO idea he was a sex offender and when she found out (by a friend) she left him RIGHT AWAY ! leave this whole family alone they have been thru enough you all really think Haleybug wants you bashing her whole family let me assure you she doesn't! and Joe to you leave them alone to! i bet the only reason she sent you the email was b/c you emailed her first leave the whole family alone they don't deserve it!! for you all saying she didn't love her kids let me assure you something else SHE DID!

  57. anonymous 11:32, Jennifer Foxwell sent me the message after reading the PRE SHOW promotion mentioning the gloves coming off. I have NEVER sent Jennifer Foxwell any message either through e-mail. text or phone calls. I have no interest in that scumbag. Now spread your lies/assumptions elsewhere.

  58. All of you disgust me and you speak of God? Read the Bible. Joe you won’t post this because you are a coward, but truly think before you attack someone. Joe Albero needs to get psychological help for being a Douche bag!

  59. I hate that bitch, have since I 1st met her when I was a child. she is trash and nothing more. it's HER fault her daughter's gone...maybe if she was a fit mother sarah would still be with us.

  60. Sometimes life takes us all in a direction we didn't expect to go... and for everyone who is name calling and pointing fingers at either Joe or Jennifer... perhaps your digressions were not so drastic, tragic, nor severe- but remember some of your greatest regrets, faults, mistakes and times that you have been so fortunate to receive a second chance, or a third chance, or a fourth chance.... etc. etc.

  61. It's 9-18-2017 I just watched this story on Crime Watch Daily today AND She's PREVENTED AGAIN? Are you kidding me? After all I have seen and read, I agree she should have been sterilized long ago! I'm just aghast at all of this.


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