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Friday, March 26, 2010

GOP Can Strangle 'Obamacare'-- Refuse To Fund Programs

Members of the Republican Party can, if they move into the majority in Congress this fall as many pundits are forecasting, put a stranglehold on "Obamacare," President Obama's nationalization of health care, simply by cutting off the dollars, according to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

In a Fox News interview on Sean Hannity's show, Gingrich discussed the thousands of pages of new law signed by Obama this week and what it means for America.

"My prediction is you're going to get a Republican Congress in 2010, in the election," the former House speaker said. "They're going to come in and they're going to refuse to fund any of these new offices.

"Then in 2012, you get a new president. And I think probably in February of 2013, they repeal the entire bill. Replace the good parts. Because there are some things – out of 2600 pages, there are probably 200 pages that are pretty good," he said.

Polls show a high level of opposition to Obama's plan among American people. One recent poll showed 49 percent believe it to be unconstitutional to require under penalty of law that consumers buy health insurance policies approved by the government.

Gingrich said the Obama campaign, however, is bigger than just health care, citing efforts by the Environmental Protection Agency to take over the economy through regulation of emissions.

"I think the average American has two feelings. One, that on the thing that matters most right now which is the economy, this administration is just gone. Everything they're doing makes it worse, not better," Gingrich said.

"Two, that this administration wants to use power in the rawest possible way, almost like a Chicago machine to fundamentally change America. Even if the American people are opposed."

More here


  1. Good luck with that. You will never beat Obama in 2012.

  2. Barring some unforseen circumstance, Obama is a one term president. Eveb if he wins it will not matter because the repubs will win controlof congress and will simply cut off the funding and there is nothing he can do about it. With no money, no law.

  3. 8:57

    Obama doesn't have a chance to get re-elcted.
    Obama is going down in the history books as the worst pres ever!
    Worst that Wilson, and worse than Carter.

  4. 8:57 You must be on drugs

  5. Obama is not a one term President. He did exactly what he said he was going to. The quality of this interview is proven by the first sentence of the second paragraph with the mention of "Fox News".


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