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Thursday, March 04, 2010

A Comment Worthy Of A Post

"The event that took place yesterday was certainly unfortunate for the Salisbury Fire Department. An accident happened that could have happened to anyone driving a large vehicle. That was an accident, but the childish and ignorant statements regarding Career vs. Volunteers was no accident. Members of this department chose to use this topic and this format to have a free for all against each other. Off base and straying from the topic is an understatement.

The Salisbury Fire Department is a combination system made up of Career and Volunteer members. It is not going to change and it is a good system. There is a place and time for the services of each branch and we need each other. This organization cannot survive without each other, I can assure you. There have always been some sort of issues between the two sides which generally work themselves out. I have always felt they were more issues between individuals that just happened to be either Career or Volunteers.

This is a brotherhood that each of you chose to enter into. Like any family there will be disagreements, but they can be worked out. The method that you chose yesterday will never accomplish anything. Slinging mud and name calling here only fuels the fire. If either side were as Professional as they claimed to be these statements would not be seen or heard. Check your egos at the door and work toward a common goal. Be the best you can be and do your Job. Everyone of you know that if a member from either side got in trouble at a fire you would be right there to help each other."

Bryan Records

Editors Note: First of all, I want to thank Mr. Records for not only his service to the SFD, I also want to thank him for reminding those within that Department to stand together.

While these kinds of comments certainly spark tons of hits and comments to Salisbury News, (and yesterday was a biggie) we too made several mistakes in our report on this matter. Allow me to explain.

We received seven phone calls yesterday morning about Fire Trucks racing down the road at a high rate of speed. Some told us it was the Fire Truck that had wrecked. This couldn't be farther from the truth. Now, that being said, it is understandable as to why some may have thought this but the reality is, this was not the vehicle speeding. Of course this vehicle didn't have its siren on, it was filling up with water and it wasn't necessary. This vehicle does in fact hold 2,000 gallons of water.

As far as the road condition and the accident itself. This road is in fact very narrow. The idea, (especially after seeing photos from the scene) that the County/State have allowed these trees to be so close to the road and or actually going over top of the road is beyond me as well and they need to be removed. In fact, I came to learn an elderly couple crashed into one of those trees and died. It puzzles me today wondering why they weren't removed then.

Nevertheless, while we had several witnesses contact us about this story, even though their information seemed to coincide with the others, how the accident happened was wrong and we certainly apologize for that, please forgive me?

I chose to place this article at the top today so it gains the attention it deserves. I will not bury such an article in the hopes many will not read it, like some others choose to do.


  1. WOW! That is refreshing. Didn't think you would come clean on this one. Giving credit where credit is due.

  2. Ecellent explanation Bryan and Joe!
    No individual either career or volunteer is bigger than the brotherhood of firefighters.

  3. Joe - You are like an onion. You have so many LAYERS ! :0

  4. Very glad to see the clarification. I too was a little confused after seeing the pics. Thanks for your honesty Joe !

  5. Let's not forget about the man that lost his home on Riverside Drive Extended. The home was a complete loss, he lost everything. That is the real story, how bout some consideration and maybe help $$$ for him.

  6. See exactly what I been saying.......you go off half-cocked and post anything without checking it out, then you brag about being first. The real media check then print.

  7. I was there the day that the Masonic Lodge dedicated the building for them. There was such a sense of pride and fellowship that day. Both sides came together for one common goal: To show their support and dedication to their own Fire Department. It was a great day. Now hearing all of this bickering, arguing, name calling, mud slinging and ignorant behavior is just disheartening. Your organization needs to take a step back and really think about what each side contributes to your Fire Department. If something major was to happen and all of you were called out to the scene, I would certainly hope that you were able to set your personal feelings aside and work as a team like any Fire Department in this country has to do. The Salisbury Fire Department cannot exist with either paid firefighters or volunteers. Are we all entitled to our opinions? Yes; however, I think that the way that people from both sides of this organization have been saying is just unproductive. It also makes the Fire Department look stupid, embarrassing and ridiculous. So all of you take a step back, get your tongues in check and think before you speak.

  8. Joe , the general consensus is that you don't like firemen. I know that this is not true. I do believe that the firemen in the area are guilty of spending our money like drunken sailors. It is a trate that they picked up from the generations before. The Westside fire dept. is one that thinks you don't like firemen , another is Hebron and on and on. I've overheard them talk about how you don't like firemen. They don't realize that we don't like throwing away our money. We know the truth hurts guys , so grow-up. That brotherhood business is a boatload of crap. However It was a good thing to do Bryan.

  9. J.T. (aka Anonymous @ 11:18), everyone makes mistakes. At least Joe admitted it publicly. How about you J.T....would you ever have the courage to admit all of yours publicly?

  10. Its noe the carear/orvols. Its just several individual on both sides that arre the blame.

  11. Very well stated Bryan. Once again you have spoken like the true leader that you are.

    Keep up the good work!

  12. anonymous 11:25, That statement couldn't be farther from the truth.

    In fact, let's just take a look at that statement.

    Not that many days ago I received a desperate call from a Delmar Firefighter asking if there was any way I could help them with my snow blower to remove snow from their roof. They saw signs of stress from the heavy snow. Mind you, I had just finished a long day of clearing driveways and sidewalks in Salisbury.

    I could have very easily said no. Instead, I not only went to Delmar and gladly helped them, I was then asked if I could go to Fruitland and assist them as well. I immediately agreed, making that day that much longer. It was wet, it was cold and I don't believe I came home until around midnight that evening. The following morning I received a phone call from the Willards Fire Department and even though we had already scheduled a bunch of driveways for residents, their roof was brand new and needed help immediately.

    I would have done so for ANY Fire Department that called, unconditionally. Let me also remind everyone that my intent at Station 16 was to just go over there and blow the snow off their sidewalks as well, yet I was asked not to after making a phone call to Council Members. I also made personal contact with the Mayor and waited for a return call that never came.

    I want to say this to everyone as well. The original Firefighter that contacted me had recently sent someone I know a very harsh letter about me. It was filled with personal attacks, even claiming I was a cancer to our communities. When he called, I could have easily said, bite me, you're on your own.

    Instead, I was the bigger man and never brought up what he had said or done. If ANY Firefighter wants proof of such letters I'd be happy to provide it.

    I did not hold that against anyone and feel its important to put things aside in a time of need. The comments in the past from Firefighters hoping they were to respond to my home and or accident scene to watch me personally die, as well as my Wife and Grandson are the Firefighters I have a problem with.

    Firefighters like Bryan Records and others are the cream of the crop. Men who are honorable and would do anything, including giving up their life to save another. Men like Bryan know, understand and live for Brotherhood. It IS alive, just not well.

    Do I have a problem with Firefighters unecessarily speeding down the road, absolutely. I have never hidden that from anyone. Do I believe some Fire Trucks were in fact speeding as second responders to yesterday's fire, absolutely. As I am sure many of our readers would also agree. They/we see it all too often.

    Anyhow, all of you know my issues with the Fire Departments and their protocol. The good men understand we agree to disagree and that's perfectly cool.

    However, to state that I have a problem with Firefighters is completely wrong overall. There are a select few I do have problems with but again, when push comes to shove I have proven to be right there unconditionally to have their backs.

    You know what Folks, there's no doubt that one of these days in our lifetime we are going to NEED each other. To live your life thinking it will never happen to you is wrong. Just because I'm out there spreading my opinion doesn't make me a bad guy. Mind you, I have a lartger audience than most would like and I'm confident everyone here knows I kiss no one's butt.

    If you can't respect me for who I am and what I believe in, well, there's that bix "X" in the top right hand corner of this page and it all goes away. It's that simple.

  13. I wish people would understand that it's not always a race to see who can get a story out. Journalism 101 - verify facts. Sources can seem credible, but you have to verify facts and attribute them.. otherwise, "the race" can burn you and erode credibility. Thanks, Joe for the correction. Blogs dont have to be held to the same journalistic standards as MSM and that's okay. Readers should remember that when they blast MSM for not getting stories on as fast as blogs. It's apples and oranges.

  14. Citygoer, The apple doesn't fall far from the tree! Folks here have ancestors that were part of lynch mobs and riots. They like action before facts!

  15. Was there an hazmat call today? the truck was out on 50 eastbound again around midday.

  16. I have no connection with the fire dept or anyone that is a member, volunteer or otherwise. I do want to say the times I have seen bryan records post on this blog, he has always taken the high road and exhibited class and dignity when addressing an issue. I don't know what his role is at the fire dept.- but I know that when he posts, it is going to be a mature, levelheaded comment that addresses the issues without an embarrassing attack on people that end up causing divisiveness. I really appreciate posts like that. Posts that are full of vitriole and that are personal attacks really make one feel dirty when reading them. I applaud you, Mr. Records on your professionalism in your posts.

  17. Joe,
    Glad to see that you have changed the post to reflect the truth. I do so wish you would take some extra time to get it right the first time. Just because a reader reports to you an event it doesn't mean they got it right. Please wait until you get a story correct to post it. It read that a fireturck had "crashed". That makes me think it sturck something head on or rolled over or worse. This was as you now report, and accident. Single vehicle to boot! Thanks for the chance for me to say the above rather or not it gets printed.

  18. This guy must have a little clout with the firemen since all the negative comments have stopped.


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