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Friday, March 19, 2010

Bus Trip To Washington, D.C. This Saturday, AFP

One Last Trip to DC This Saturday 3/20 UPDATE UPDATE!! We have a bus to go to DC Saturday!! Details to follow.....

I am calling to all of you freedom-loving Americans to come once again to Washington D.C. to gather on the Capitol steps on Saturday, at 12 o'clock noon.
We must come by the thousands.Speaker Pelosi will stop at nothing to fulfill her corrupt conquests. She will bring all of the corrupt ACORN liars to try to bully all the Democrats that may be having pangs of guilt knowing quite surely what their votes can and will do. If they're bullied into saying "yes," it will destroy America.

Be there in Washington DC at 12 noon EST so we can give all the Democrats who know what the end result will be the courage to say: "No, do not pass this destructive bill."I'll see you there.

*UPDATE UPDATE!!** We have a bus leaving from Salisbury on Saturday Morning!! Details to follow!! We just HAVE to fill it!
Please call Ken Nichols ASAP at 410-726-2546 if you think you'd like to go with us.

Please call now so we can secure the bus!

For more information please see this link from Tea Party Patriots.


  1. We will be driving to DC with 5 in the car.
    See you all there!

  2. Dont forget the americans that have no car...that have lost their homes and jobs and cannot afford high insurance premiums....dont forget to vote against health care because you are sitting in the high seats. Forget the Americans that have not lived on medicaid or the system of medicare yet have no insurance. There are plenty and I became a young widow because of no health care when we could not pay high insurance premiums. We were barely able to keep a roof over our heads. Pile in your cars and your buses tomorrow and go like the heartless godless people that you have become. But it is a mighty long road that does not have an end.......


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