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Friday, March 19, 2010

Another School Bus Accident

This accident happened on Wetipquin, (sp?) Road. There was one child on the bus. We're told a pickup truck pulled out in front of the bus and the bus hit him on the driver's side door. More to come.


  1. farmers driving school buses.

  2. What's your point 5:19?

  3. Farmers have more couth than the ignorant city dwellers that infiltrated our once polite region !

  4. WHAT???? You are so lame,SO farmers cant drive a school bus? but they can drive a Tractor Trailer, 10 wheel trucks, combines,and tractors,,, give me a break,,, can you drive any of the above, properly? Shift 10 or 18 gears without grinding them.

  5. Wait, I thought that the SNOW was the only evil thing on Delmarva's roads...

    So it is OK to send your kids on a school bus that "might" be involved in an auto accident but not OK to send your kids to school on a bus that "might" have issues driving in the snow??? Interesting...

  6. more to driving than shifting gears dipwad, and yes I can.

    just because you're sitting behind the wheel and going down the road doesn't mean you can drive.

  7. are you guys missing the part where it says that the pickup truck pulled out in front of the bus? it could happen to any of us anytime we are on the road.

    Rob S

  8. So refreshing to see the intellectual elite of Wicomico County out making fools of themselves again - perhaps next time read the article, then read it again just to make sure you understand it before you post inane responses that have nothing to do with the actual facts at hand. The bus driver was not at fault!


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