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Monday, March 22, 2010

Another Interesting Comment Worthy Of A Post

Here's whats next

Universal voter registration: Now being secretly prepared by at least two prominent members of Congress, this is essentially a scheme to legalize voter fraud by shifting responsibility for registering to vote from the citizen to the government, meaning people are automatically registered to vote, based on DMV records, income-tax returns, welfare rolls, unemployment lists and other government databases.

Illegal immigrant registration: Since government databases contain names of non-citizens, not to mention mentally incompetent individuals and felons – factors that would ordinarily disqualify a person from voting in most states – universal registration would open the floodgates to fraud. And since many people own property in more than one location and pay taxes to numerous government entities, they would be afforded the opportunity to vote in multiple locations.

Amnesty: Disguised once again by euphemisms like "comprehensive immigration reform," amnesty will create millions of new Democrat voters. As Obama adviser and SEIU executive vice president Eliseo Medina said recently regarding amnesty: "Can you imagine 8 million new voters who care about our issues and will be voting? We will be creating a governing coalition for the long term, not just for an election cycle."

Convicted felons voting: The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals late last year cleared the way for inmates to vote from prison. The court overturned a Washington state law prohibiting felons from voting until they are released and off parole, arguing state restrictions unfairly penalized minorities since they have a higher incarceration rate. Polls show felons overwhelmingly prefer Democrats.

Planting operatives in America's statehouses: A subversive, Soros-backed group called the Secretary of State Project is gearing up to steal the 2012 election for Obama and congressional Democrats by installing left-wing Democrats as secretaries of state across the nation, from which posts they can help tilt the electoral playing field.


  1. Now's the time to rise up !

  2. Why not? In the last days lawlessness will increase. Nations shall be deceived by sorcery.

    Welcome to the ghetto, I mean Amerika.

  3. The Republicans are Too stupid and the Democrats are Too Crooked, and Soros is laughing his A$$ off!!!!

  4. Well, Joe, I guess that answers the question we had earlier of why would the Dems push this bill so hard knowing that it was political suicide and would lead to the end of their reign in the next two elections. The answer is that the elections will be rigged and they know they have no chance of LOSING.

  5. I will need to know the bill # and read the actual text of the bill before commenting negatively on such an idea.

    If you can't give me that, you are nothing but a blog hit generator.

    Piss off or lay out the fact.

  6. And how are we as Americans supposed to keep up with all this crap? Let's reduce the time that the House and senate convenes in half, so they would have to glean at least half of the crap out of the agenda in general.

    This would at least give the public a half a chance of keeping up with the Bull.

  7. Thugocracy is all that Obama and his like know.

  8. 8:33, it is so unfortunate more people do not have your mindset. There are just too many folks out there who believe in "draw a conclusion, then MAYBE I will look up some facts"

  9. 8:33 and 10:37 you two are a couple of kool aid drinking sheep ! You won't believe anything unless the ONE tells you . You gave your freedom away like a punk, well I'm fighting to keep mine !

  10. and just like in Korea and other 3rd world countries..the report will be that EVERYONE voted to keep the dictator in office!

  11. These progressive s need to be shot !

  12. 6:53 unless you committed a crime last night, I'm sure you woke up this morning just as free as yesterday. You guys are hilarious. Thanks for proving my point from 10:37

  13. what's next? the mark of the beast?

  14. hmmmmm 8:21....my thoughts exactly!


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