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Thursday, February 25, 2010

What Happened To The Salisbury Fire Department Website



  1. Looks like they forgot to pay go daddy.com

  2. It is hosted at brainwave, guess they didn't pay the bill again.

    I will throw this out there, if they need a temporary host I have some space on my server I can let them use for free until they get back on their feet. Unlike most people I don't complain about the issue, I will try and help.

    If someone at the Salisbury FD reads this send me an email at spinr0k@hotmail.com if you are interested.


  4. From what I was told they got rid of the company that produced the website... maybe they are waiting for another company??

  5. lol sunnyinoc.... joe is always late

  6. The previous web site provider did not deliver all the bells and whistles that were promised. That was one of Joes favorite people Doug Church. At the end of the contract it was decided to let it expire and seek another provider. The department has found another provider that can provide all that they could ever need and then some. The cost is 80% less than the previous provider. I believe the company is Chief web design and they do all of Sussex county FD's and surrounding company sites. They are proven leaders and deliver what they promise. Everyone is anzious to get the site back and running.

  7. has anyone contacted them to let them know? their web site is a public service and I would think that you would want it back up.

  8. Lets hope the sue ole douggie to hell.

  9. The PIO is diligently working on a new website.

  10. Anonymous said...

    has anyone contacted them to let them know? their web site is a public service and I would think that you would want it back up.

    5:32 PM

    They know already. They were paying Doug Church $15,000 a year to run the site. You know, pay back to Bubba Comagees for running his website for free during the election.

  11. Sometimes municipalities don't have a choice but to hire back scumbag pieces of sh!t because of legal issues. That's all I have to say about that.

  12. Dougie got $15,000 for that POS site all for being a FOB? 80% less for Chief is still $3000 You'd think that someone should be able to do in-house for free, surely one of the voluteers or somebody has some basic web design skills. Doesn't the city have IT people? Doesn't the department have a PIO? What are these people being paid for?

    Speaking of which, how's the search for a permanent chief going?

  13. They paid $15,000 for that horrible old web site? That certainly wasn't worth that price, that's for sure. How long is Dana Seiler going to brag about doing it?

    I also have to wonder why they never put this out to bid. Not once, but now twice. You would think that for receiving all of their public funding they would want to do things transparently. There are many companies right here in Salisbury that could do this kind of work.

    Oh well...I just hope we don't get stuck funding another POS web site. Once again, it's who you know...

  14. Rick Hoppes needs to be fired for paying $15,000 a year for that crappy website.


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