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Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Say NO To Pollitt’s Parking Lot!

Today the Wicomico County Council will hold a public hearing on whether or not YOUR tax dollars should be used to spend $1.5 million for 5 acres of parking at the old Salisbury Mall.  If you can attend, do.  If you can’t, call your council members.

Be like Nancy Reagan.  JUST SAY NO!

County Executive Rick Pollitt wants to use state dollars to overpay for property.  He admits as much in his Sunday op-ed.  Rick needs to understand that we don’t care which pot the money comes from.  We care about how our tax dollars – federal, state, and local – are spent.

There are alternatives such as using the Wicomico football stadium lot and charging for parking (something Pollitt seems unwilling to consider).  Pollitt needs to learn that the answer to every problem is not money from his pal Martin O’Malley.



  1. Yeah folks, just because they aren't using County money to buy this property doesn't mean that it's not Tax Payer money! Gary Mackes may be able to fool the Council by saying that "these are free State funds that we have to use or we lose it," but not the citizens-we aren't as stupid! They are trying to say that because it is State Money that they can spend frivilously, but it's still tax payer money. There isn't a whole lot of money at any level of government that isn't tax payer money...

  2. Why not the cxounty school parking lot?Shuttles buses from there would be a whole lotta cheaper than buying a parking lot.Comon Rick get off ur ego for the taxpayers.

  3. Why don't they buy the whole parcell for 3.5 million like they wanted at auction, and sell the rest off? I'm sure the rest could be sold for more than 2 million. Maybe even putting the Library there.

  4. anonymous 9:42, the Library will never happen. While your idea is a good one, are you encouraging the taxpayers to spend several milli0on dollars on a new building for a Library when Library's are DOWNSIZING across America. Or haven't you learned that you can get almost everything in a Library on line?

  5. How do I find out who our county council member is?

  6. Don't miss this post:


  7. John T. Cannon (R), At Large
    Stevie Prettyman (R), Dist. 2
    Sheree Sample-Hughes (D), Dist. 1
    Gail M. Bartkovich (R), Dist. 3
    David A. MacLeod (D), Dist. 4
    Joseph Holloway (R), Dist. 5
    William R. McCain (D), At Large

    Unless you have a specific issue with a specific area, all of the council members vote for everything in the county.

  8. see who your councilperson is here; http://www.msa.md.gov/msa/mdmanual/36loc/wi/html/wil.html

  9. I want Pollitt and every one of our other politicos to stop thinking that this money comes from the leprechauns. It comes from us, the PEOPLE, from the taxes we pay, whether it be when we buy fast food, underwear, nails, houses, pencils or gasoline, or when we sell something big, like the family farm. The State didn't generate the dollars --- we did.

    We are particularly incensed when our dollars are proposed to be used for something that is being sold by the biggest scam artists to hit our area in a decade: Natelson and Dzaman, who, with the assistance of Tilghman, Dunn, Comegys, Cathcart and Shields, screwed us but good with a tax loss scheme that will put us behind a $72 million eightball for over thirty years.

    And it's not just that we're dealing with this pair of "screw you and walk away" scumbags, it's that we're paying WAY, WAY too much for the property. They sold the Old Mall project to us like a couple of sleazy used car salesmen, and now they're going to rake us for over five times what the property's worth? I DON'T THINK SO!!!

    Mr. Pollitt, rethink this.

  10. No, Mr. Pollitt and County Council, NO!

    It's too much money for what the parcels are really worth.
    It's too much money at a time when we're struggling to find money for things we really need now.

    This money wasn't found by the side of the road in a suitcase, although some would like us to believe that. It's our money - we generated it, we don't want to see it wasted on frivolous spending like on this grossly overpriced piece of asphalt covered ground.

  11. I think people are short sighted. I back Pollitt as a person who wants to do the best for the county. I support his decision and agree that we should buy the property. Just like he said, that money can only be used for this type of purchase. If this money is not used here, somewhere else will get it. So benefit from it, looks out for ourselves. I am one of the county workers and have had furlough days taken and I agree with the purchase, if it does not happen, I/we will not benefit from that. I/We will benefit from the purchase.


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