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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Reader Needs Help

"First as a faithful reader of Sbynews I want to thank you for all the work you do on Sbynews.

My question is do you know of any 2 or 3 bedroom houses that are for rent in the Pemberton School district?"


  1. There is one on the corner of Nanticoke Rd and Rockawalkin that has a "for rent" sign.

  2. CAll Jen Nolan at Exit Realty in Salisbury. She handles their rentals

  3. 4 bedroom, 3 bath in Sleepy Hollow that is empty and facing a foreclosure in about a year. Could probably pick up very reasonable for that time period or possibly work out a deal with the owners...

  4. Anonymous 11:55 am -There is However the school they would attend is Hebron School .

  5. 1010 Fair ground Drive is for rent LOL

    Just had to throw it in there. Pre-req. Bullet proof vest. Five forms of fedaral and state asst. 5 kids by diff. babies daddies. One felon hiding in your apt.

    If you meet those you might just have found a place to live

  6. Theres a three bedroom townhouse at Heritage for rent. Call Exit Realty at 410-912-0310.

  7. Im looking for a small mobile home or small house in the hebron area to rent does anyone know of any?
    Your help would be appreciated.
    Need roof over head.


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