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Friday, February 19, 2010

Investigator Accuses Hillary Of Chinagate, Part 2

On her current Middle East trip, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton expressed worry that Iran is "moving toward" a military dictatorship, and an investigator who uncovered the "Chinagate" scandal when her husband was president now is wondering whether this careful wording is "ChinaGate, Part 2."

The original "Chinagate," documented on the Judicial Watch website, was uncovered by Judicial Watch founder Larry Klayman. Technology companies allegedly made donations of millions of dollars to various Democratic Party entities, including President Bill Clinton's 1996 re-election campaign, in return for permission to sell high-tech secrets to China.

Bernard Schwartz and his Loral Space & Communication Ltd. later allegedly "helped China to identify the cause of [a rocket failure], thereby advancing China's missile program and threatening U.S. national security," according to records.

Now Klayman, who went on to found Freedom Watch USA, is interested in some answers that Hillary Clinton could provide.

"Why is Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration refusing to challenge the radical Islamic regime in Iran over its systematic imprisonment, torture and extermination of its own people?" Klayman asked today.

"Freedom Watch intends to get to the bottom of this latest foreign policy outrage, as human rights for the Iranian people are not only involved, but U.S. national security. These fascists are intent to not only murder their own people, but taken at the word of Iranian President Ahmadinejad, will use atomic weapons to wipe Israel and other Western interests off the face of the earth," he said.

"The question then becomes why has Hillary Clinton followed a policy of appeasement and who is she working for? I intend to get to the bottom of this, since it is not disputed that the Clintons took huge amounts of Chinese cash for favors to the communist regime during their prior administration," Klayman said.

Much more here..

1 comment:

  1. She is above the law like all politicians !


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